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File name:8-08.PDF
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Model:8-08 🔎 808
Original:8-08 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Rolsen DVD Сервисные мануалы RDV-640 8-08.PDF
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > DVD
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AUDIO Location CODE NO Description Specification NL2 DPBC-00002A BEAD-CHIP BK2125HS102 NC16,NC2,NC30,NC4,NC5,NC51,NC53,NC59 DPCC-00007A C-CHIP 1000nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1608 NC67,NC69,NC9,NC6,NC61, DPCC-00007A C-CHIP 1000nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1608 NC10,NC101,NC11,NC13,NC15,NC20,NC21,NC22 DPCC-00098A C-CHIP 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1608 NC31,NC32,NC36,NC37,NC38,NC43,NC45 DPCC-00098A C-CHIP 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1608 NC58,NC62,NC66,NC70,NC76,NC77,NC78,NC23 DPCC-00098A C-CHIP 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1608 NC46,NC50,NC54,NC29 DPCC-00098A C-CHIP 100nF,+80-20%,16V,Y5V,TP,1608 NC88,NC92 DPCC-00005A C-CHIP 10nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1608 NC97,NC98 DPCC-00018A C-CHIP 15nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1608 NC64 DPCC-00053A C-CHIP 3.3nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1608 NC24,NC25,NC33,NC39,NC42,NC47,NC48 DPCC-00075A C-CHIP 68pF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1608 NC68,NC72,NC52,NC56,NC60 DPCC-00075A C-CHIP 68pF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1608 NC12,NC14,NC34 DPCC-00077A C-CHIP 6.8nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1608 NC95,NC96 DPCC-00089A C-CHIP 8.2nF,10%,50V,X7R,TP,1608 NC99,NC100 DPEC-10045A C-ELECT 0.33uF,20%,16V,GP,TP,5x11,5mm NC7,NC17,NC18,NC19,NC26,NC27,NC28,NC35 DPEC-10002A C-ELECT(SRE) 10uF,20%,16V,GP,TP,3.5x5,2.5mm NC44,NC73,NC74,NC75,NC79,NC80,NC81,NC82 DPEC-10002A C-ELECT(SRE) 10uF,20%,16V,GP,TP,3.5x5,2.5mm NC85,NC86,NC87,NC89,NC90,NC91,NC93 DPEC-10002A C-ELECT(SRE) 10uF,20%,16V,GP,TP,3.5x5,2.5mm NC40,NC41,,NC83,NC84,,NC94,NC102 DPEC-10002A C-ELECT(SRE) 10uF,20%,16V,GP,TP,3.5x5,2.5mm NL12,NL14,NL18,NL19,NL20 DPLC-00001A COIL-CHIP LB2016T100K(2125) NCON1 DPWI-10035A CONNECTOR-WIRE STRAIGHT,13P,2mm,B/S,65mm NCON2 DPWA-10028A CONNECTOR-SOCKET SOCKET200-4.5-24P ND2 DPDA-00014A DIODE-RECTIFIER RL207 ND1 DPDC-00002A DIODE-SWITCHING,CHIP KDS184,SOT-23 NU2 DPIC-00021A IC-ANALOG MUX MM74HC4052MX,16SOIC NU1,NU3,NU4,NU5,NU6,NU7,NU8,NU9 DPIC-00015A IC-OP AMP

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