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magnum S680 free download

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Original:S680 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment magnum S680.rar
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MAGNUM S6 EXPORT FREQUENCY CONVERSION JP102 Jumper Block Remove Metal Cover Note: See Programming Mode for more info: JP1 JP1 10M/Band Select/Export Frequency JP2 Program Mode/Lock Bands JP2 JP3 JP3 Normal Spacing/10 KHz/5 KHz JP4 JP4 5 Digit/6 Digit Frequency Display JP1 OFF = 10 Meter Band ON = Export Band JP2 OFF = LOCKED ON = Program Mode PCBX-0335R3A JP3 OFF = Normal Steps ON = 10 KHz/5 KHz JP4 OFF = 6 Digit All Mode ON = 5 Digit AM/FM Channel Board JP1 sets 10M, Selects Band, or Export Band JP2 sets the Programming Mode On or Lock JP3 sets Channel Spacing to Normal or -- 10 KHz - 5 KHz using Front Panel 10 KHz Sw. JP4 sets the Frequency Display to 5 or 6 digits Note: Check JP-4 For Extra Jumper Wires Jumper Diagram Introduction: The Magnum S6 is programmed for the 10 Meter Amateur Band out of the box, and covers a range of 28.065 - 28.525 MHz. The frequency range can be extended for Export Use in 8 Band segments each containing 40 Channels. These 8 bands can be programmed to any combination of Eight 40 channel blocks between 25.615 - 30.555 MHz. The radio can also be programmed to cover all frequencies in 10 KHz or 5 KHz steps between 26.000 - 32.990 MHz. (See Programming Mode) 10 Meter Only Mode: The default setting from the factory covers only 4 bands between 28.065 MHz - 28.525 MHz. The jumper setting for this is JP1, JP2, JP3 = OFF and JP4 = ON. Export Mode: This mode is pre-set to 8 Bands between 25.615 MHz - 29.205 MHz. The jumper setting for this mode is JP1 = ON JP2,JP3 = OFF JP4 = ON. NOTE: Power Must Be Reset To Activate Programming Mode! Programming Mode: This feature allows the radio to be setup into 8 separate bands, each individually programmed to cover any 40 channel segments you choose between 25.165 - 30.555 MHz. For instance, if you wanted Bands A and B to be setup to cover 25.165 - 26.055 MHz, Band C to be the CB Band 26.965 - 27.405 MHz, then Bands D, E, and F to cov

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