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Now downloading free:AOR AR3000 mod

AOR AR3000 mod free download

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Model:AR3000 mod 🔎
Original:AR3000 mod 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment AOR
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>From article , by [email protected] (Matthew Rapaport): >> Someone once posted the only undocumented command for the AR3000 I've ever >> seen. It involved changing the time interval the scanner uses to check the >> priority channel. Can someone repost this sequence of keystrokes? > >And could they also say if this is for the AR3000 or the AR3000A. > Someone already replied to me by mail but as I thought, the subject is of more general interest... The secret: press DIAL (get out of memory mode), then 2ndF then HOLD DOWN the PRIO key for 2 seconds. This gives you a display showing the priority test time in seconds. Just change it to what ever you want... then press ENTER. Yes it works on the 3000A, I don't know about the older model... > -- matthew rapaport Philosopher/Programmer At Large KD6KVH [email protected] [email protected]

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