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Multiprogramming Performance of the Pentium 4 with Hyper-Threading James R. Bulpinand Ian A. Pratt University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory J J Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, UK, CB3 0FD. Tel: +44 1223 331859. [email protected] Abstract 1 Introduction Intel Corporation's "Hyper-Threading" technol- Simultaneous multithreading (SMT) is a very fine ogy [6] introduced into the Pentium 4 [3] line of pro- grained form of hardware multithreading that allows cessors is the first commercial implementation of si- simultaneous execution of more than one thread with- multaneous multithreading (SMT). SMT is a form out the notion of an internal context switch. The of hardware multithreading building on dynamic is- fine grained sharing of processor resources means that sue superscalar processor cores [15, 14, 1, 5]. The threads can impact each others' performance. main advantage of SMT is its ability to better utilise processor resources and to hide memory hierarchy Tuck and Tullsen first published measurements of the latency by being able to provide more independent performance of the SMT Pentium 4 processor with work to keep the processor busy. Other architectures Hyper-Threading [12]. Of particular interest is their for simultaneous multithreading and hardware mul- evaluation of the multiprogrammed performance of tithreading in general are described elsewhere [16]. the processor by concurrently running pairs of single- Hyper-Threading currently supports two heavy threaded benchmarks. In this paper we present experi- weight threads (processes) per processor, presenting ments and results obtained independently that confirm the abstraction of two independent logical processors. their observations. We extend the measurements to The physical processor contains a mixture of dupli- consider the mutual fairness of simultaneously execut- cated (per-thread) resources such as the instruction ing threads (an area hinted at but not covered in detail queue; shared resources tagged by thread number by Tuck and Tullsen) and compare the multiprogram- such as the DTLB and trace cache; and dynamically ming performance of pairs of

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