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#! /bin/sh # TCP/IP printer daemon installation script. # # Installation script for the TCP/IP host resident software. # # 1) Log in as root or su root # 2) Copy the files from the installation disk into your installation # directory. # cd /usr/ # tar -xvf /dev/cdrom # 3) Execute the install script from the installation directory. # ./tcpinst # 4) Answer the questions and follow the instructions as directed by the # install script. # 5) Test by printing a file. If you have trouble look at the troubleshooting # guide. # # The install script is straight forward and follows the basic # algorithm which is described as follows: # # 1) Verify and initialize the environment as follows: # # Setup system aliases and globals # # Make sure running as root # # Check that all needed DPI utilities are in this directory or in a # subdirectory named SYSTEM (for supported systems only), where SYSTEM # is found by the uname (-s) command. For systems with a user changeable # system name the user is prompted to get the system type. # # 2) Copy the installation files into the target directories # Copy the files in CWD to NETPRINT_DIR # # 3) Prompt the user for information about this printer # # 4) Create the named pipes for this printer if needed for this system # # 4) Create the spool dir for this printer if needed # # 5) Add the printer to /etc/printcap if needed # # 6) Startup the daemon process if needed # # 7) Prompt the user if he wants to set up another printer. Go to 3 if yes. # # This script will work on any unix that understands #! and has the bourne # shell (/bin/sh) installed. Ultrix systems have a skeletal /bin/sh. The # set of commands below checks for /bin/sh5 and uses it to keep Ultrix and # similar systems happy. If your system is not supported you may need to port the TCP/IP host resident software. Source files for the necessary utilities can be found with the installation software. Please refer to the TCP/IP porting guide in the Owner's Manual for further information. This installation script uses the format SYSTEM (eg ULTRIX) for its system name, where the SYSTEM can be displayed by the uname command. Executable files for supported machines can be found in the installation directory tree in the SYSTEM subdirectory. If you have completed the port and loaded the executables into the top level of the installation directory, then you may continue the installation by answering the questions. Otherwise terminate the script by hitting C

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