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Now downloading free:PRESIDENT Uniden AX 144

PRESIDENT Uniden AX 144 free download

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File information:
File name:President Uniden AX
[preview Uniden AX 144]
Size:3640 kB
Model:Uniden AX 144 🔎
Original:Uniden AX 144 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment PRESIDENT Uniden AX 144 President Uniden AX
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name President Uniden AX

uniden AX 144 CB RADIO OWNERS MANUAL RADIO BACK PANEL VIEW EXTERNAL SPEAKER PA Jack SPEAKER POWER Jack Cord Jack @ 0 0 @ @ ANT @ SERIAL,NO ANTENNA SERIAL NUMBER Connector I MPORT ANT! The above pictorial display shows the location of the various accessory, antenna, and power receptacles, as well as the SERIAL NUMBER. You are urged to record your model number and your SERIAL NUMBER in the spaces provided below: Model SERIAL NUMBER -1- SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Channels 40 AM, 40 LSB, 40 USB Frequency Range 26.965 to 27.405 MHz Frequency Control Phase Locked Loop(PLL) synthesized circuitry Frequency Tolerance :to.005% Frequency Stability 0.001 % Operating Temperature Range -10

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