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Now downloading free:LG GSA-H58N

LG GSA-H58N free download

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File name:LG GSA-H58N.PDF
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Model:GSA-H58N 🔎 GSAH58N
Original:GSA-H58N 🔎
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name LG GSA-H58N.PDF

GSA-H58N Regrabadora Super Multi DVD interna 20x Velocidad de escritura DVD+R 2.4x, 4x (CLV), 8x (ZCLV), 12x (PCAV), 16x, *18x,*20x (CAV) DVD-R 2x, 4x(CLV), 8x (ZCLV), 12x (PCAV), 16x, *18x,*20x (CAV) DVD+RW 2.4x, 4x,6x (CLV), 8x (ZCLV) DVD-RW 1x, 2x, 4x , 6x (CLV), DVD-RAM 2x, 3x (CLV) , 5x, 6x, 8x,12x PCAV (Ver. 2.0 & Higher ) CD-R 16x (CLV), 24x (ZCLV), 40x, 48x (CAV) CD-RW 4x, 10x, 16x (CLV), 24x, 32x (ZCLV) (High Speed: 10x. Ultra Speed> 16x) DVD+R DL 2.4x, 4x (CLV), 6x , 8x(ZCLV), 10x (PCAV) DVD-R DL 4x (CLV), 6x, 8x (ZCLV), 10x (PCAV) Velocidad de lectura DVD-R/RW/ROM(SL/DL) 16x/12x max DVD-RAM 5x, 12x PCAV DVD-Video(CSS Compliant Disc) 8x max. (Single/Dual layer) CD-R/RW/ROM 48x/40x/48xmax. CD-DA (DAE) 40x max. DVD-R/-RW/-R DL 16x/12x/12x max. DVD+R/+RW/+R DL 16x/12x/12x max. Ratio de trasferencia DVD-ROM (SL/DL) 140/175 ms typ. CD-ROM 120 ms typ. DVD-RAM 200 ms typ. (Ver. 2.0 & Higher ) Tiempo de acceso CD-ROM 120 ms DVD-ROM 140ms Tama

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