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Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Ericsson Mobile Phones ERICSSON EF738 SystIntro.pdf
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System Introduction Ericsson Mobile Phone EF738 System Introduction 2 System Introduction Contents The Mobile Telephone Network _______________________ 5 Base Station and Cell ______________________________________ 6 Radio Channels ___________________________________________ 6 Radio Coverage ___________________________________________ 7 Transmission Control and Communication ____________________ 8 Quality Control ___________________________________________ 9 Data Transmission________________________________________ 10 Frequency Tables ___________________________________11 Table 1: Channels 1329 - 2047 ______________________________ 12 Channels 1329 - 1478 ___________________________________ 12 Channels 1479 - 1628 ___________________________________ 13 Channels 1629 - 1778 ___________________________________ 14 Channels 1779 - 1928 ___________________________________ 15 Channels 1929 - 2047 ___________________________________ 16 Table 2: Channels 0 - 600 __________________________________ 17 Channels 0 - 149 _______________________________________ 17 Channels 150 - 299 _____________________________________ 18 Channels 300 - 449 _____________________________________ 19 Channels 450 - 600 _____________________________________ 20 3 System Introduction 4 System Introduction The Mobile Telephone Network A cellular mobile telephone system (CMS) controlled by one single exchange is illustrated in fig. 1. The basic units of such a system are:

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