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Now downloading free:Minolta KB0000054

Minolta KB0000054 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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File name:KB0000054.PDF
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Size:11 kB
Model:KB0000054 🔎
Original:KB0000054 🔎
Descr: Minolta Copiers Di620 KB0000054.PDF
Group:Electronics > Office equipment > Copiers
Multipart:No multipart

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Knowledge Data Base ( KDB No.: KB0000054 / Status: Close ) *** PMN *** Model: Di620 Problem Machine: Di620 Title: Di620 doesn't print the job until you press the start-key when a job without stapling is sent in case staples are empty. Symptom: Control / Others(Condition Monitor) Symptom Explanation: When Di620 receives the job without stapling from PC in case the staples in FN-3 is empty, it displays " Press start-key". Di620 doesn't print the job until the start-key is pressed. Temporary Measure: CounterMeasure: The firmware is modified. MSC / Panel 1155-10HO-17-00 (Check Sum : 23A2) Even if the job without stapling is sent in case the staples are empty, Di620 doesn't stop printing the job by this modification. Cause: The printing job is prohibited in Di620 in case the staples are empty, because the Di620 judges that the starting preparation has not been completed. As a result, the printing job become the state of queued, and the job doesn't start. Problem Rank: C Check Parts Modification Notice: Ref.No.: SW/FW Distribution: PPC(Digital-B/W)/Di621/Di521(Japan)/EP-NET//IC-71 Link to related "SW/FW Download from MO " Category: PPC\Digital-B/W Expand Machine: D5200iD(Main Unit) D6200iD(Main Unit) Di520(Main Unit) Di521(Main Unit) Di620(Main Unit) Di621(Main Unit) Cause Area: Firmware Original Report: FPR/Need press start-key when you send a print job No. FPMC99048 => [Reported first] Information Date: 24.02.2000 Edit Date: 24.02.2000 Created by: nakao tsuji/minolta

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