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Congratulations, you and your Mac mini were made for each other. Welcome to your Mac mini. Thunderbolt SD card slot HDMI high-speed I/O Import photos and videos Connect Mac mini to Connect high-performance from your digital camera. your big-screen HDTV. devices and displays. Help Center Help Center Help Center SD card HDMI thunderbolt Mac mini shown with Thunderbolt Display, Apple Wireless Keyboard, and Magic Mouse. OS X Lion Mission Control Launchpad Full screen Mac App Store A bird's-eye view Instant access Make apps The best way of what's running to all your apps full screen to discover on your Mac. in one place. with a click. and download Help Center Help Center Help Center Mac apps. mission control launchpad full screen Help Center mac app store LO F R O EL M H A UP C C E R T I N O, Mail iPhoto iMovie GarageBand Group your Organize, edit, Turn home Create great- messages by and share videos into home sounding songs conversations. your photos. blockbusters. with ease. Help Center iPhoto Help iMovie Help GarageBand Help mail photos movie record Contents Chapter 1: Ready, Set Up, Go 10 What'sintheBox 11 SettingUpYourMacmini 20 SettingUpDVDorCDSharing 23 MigratingInformationtoYourMacmini 24 GettingAdditionalInformationontoYourMacmini 24 PuttingYourMacminitoSleeporShuttingItDown Chapter 2: Life with Your Mac mini 30 What'sontheFrontofYourMacmini 32 What'sontheBackofYourMacmini 34 UsingtheAppleRemote 36 UsingSDCards 36 GettingAnswers Chapter 3: Boost Your Memory 41 InstallingMemory Contents 5 Chapter 4: Problem, Meet Solution 49 AnOunceofPrevention 49 ProblemsThatPreventYoufromUsingYourMacmini 52 Repairing,Restoring,orReinstallingMacOSXSoftware 57 CheckingforaHardwareProblem 58 ProblemswithYourInternetConnection 60 ProblemswithWirelessCommunication 61 KeepingYourSoftwareUptoDate 62 LearningMore,Service,andSupport 64 LocatingYourProductSerialNumber Chapter 5: Last, but Not Le

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