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Aiwa FR-DA400 free download

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File information:
File name:FM_400.part1.rar
[preview FR-DA400]
Size:2144 kB
Model:FR-DA400 🔎 FRDA400
Original:09-008-348-9R2 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Radio Receiver - Type EZ(S) - (4.427Kb) pag. 18
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart: 0  1

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File name FRDA 400 Rev.pdf

FR-DA400 EZ(S) SERVICE MANUAL RADIO RECEIVER This Service Manual is the "Revision Publishing" and replaces "Simple Manual" (S/M Code No. 09-008-348-9T2). RE S/M Code No. 09-008-348-9R2 VI DA TA SIO N SPECIFICATIONS · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . ACCESSORIES/PACKAGE LIST REF. NO KANRI DESCRIPTION NO. 1 8A-RU5-905-010 IB,EZ(EGF)C 1 8A-RU5-907-010 IB,EZ(PHNCZ)C 1 8A-RU5-906-010 IB,EZ(SID)C PART NO. 2 ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST REF. NO IC PART NO. KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO C517 C518 C521 C523 C524 C526 CF401 CF402 CF403 !ICP401 L401 L402 L405 L406 SW404 SW405 T401 T402 T403 TC401 TC402 VR401 WH3 WH401 WH403 LCD C.B C501 C502 C503 C504 C505 C507 C508 C511 C512 C513 C514 C523 DP1 DZ501 L501 LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 SW507 SW508 SW509 SW510 SW511 SW512 SW513 T501 X501 KEY C.B SW301 SW302 SW303 SW304 SW305 SW306 SW500 8A-RUA-605-010 S7-172-340-1A0 TRANSISTOR 89-414-680-080 86-NFZ-657-080 87-026-447-080 89-320-011-280 89-110-155-080 S7-805-000-020 S7-855-000-020 89-318-155-080 S9-011-800-180 87-026-214-080 87-026-200-080 89-324-585-080 89-341-165-070 87-026-213-010 89-508-804-080 DIODE 87-017-567-080 87-A40-226-080 87-070-345-080 S0-100-221-200 87-A40-398-010 87-A40-041-010 87-A40-027-010 87-017-408-080 87-020-339-080 MAIN C.B C416 C421 C423 C424 C427 C431 C432 C433 C434 C435 C436 C437 C438 C439 C441 C448 C449 C451 C455 C456 C457 C463 C464 C467 C476 C477 C478 C497 C503 C504 C508 C511 C512 C513 87-018-127-010 87-018-131-010 87-018-131-010 87-018-147-010 87-010-404-010 87-010-112-010 87-A11-144-080 87-010-248-010 87-A11-144-080 87-010-405-010 87-010-545-010 87-010-400-010 87-015-695-010 87-010-404-010 87-A11-140-080 87-A11-132-080 87-A10-129-010 87-010-404-010 87-018-131-010 87-018-109-010 87-018-114-010 87-010-249-010 87-010-248-010 87-010-112-010 87-A10-127-010 87-018-147-010 87-010-405-010 87-A11-144-080 87-018-131-010 87-010-404-010 87-010-112-010 87-018-131-010 87-010-112-010 87-010-405-010 IC,CXA1619BS IC,LC72343G-9961 KANRI DESCRIPTION NO. 87-018-131-010 CAP,1000P 87-018-131-010 CAP,1000P 87-A11-144-080 CAP,TC U 0.1-50 K B 87-018-131-010 CAP,1000P 87-018-131-010 CAP,1000P 87-015-683-080 87-008-554-010 87-PC4-617-010 8A-RH2-611-010 87-001-486-010 88-RU7-608-010 S2-500-041-200 S0-104-782-000 8A-RU6-621-010 S2-200-711-000 8A-RU4-607-010 S8-539-390-750 88-RU7-612-010 S8-206-440-070 8A-RU6-624-010 8A-RU6-624-010 8A-RU6-616-010 S0-801-352-000 S1-001-002-000 S0-701-002-000 CAP,E 33-16V FLTR,CDA10.7MG FLTR,SFE10.7MA5 FLTR,SFU450 B ICP-N15 BAR-ANT,LW-MW 016-250004-120,COIL ANT LW COIL,0.47UH COIL,FM BPF 4T-4.5-0.8 SW,SLIDE SK22F03G7 SW,TACT IFT,R0002-0H07-853939 7.5MM IFT,AM-IF 10MM YEL IFT,LW OSC 7MM TRIMMER CAP 30P TRIMMER,30P GRN VR,RTRY 50KA H CONN PIN 8 PINS CONN,10P CONN,7P PART NO. TR,2SD1468S TR,2SC1923(O) TR,2SC1740S TR,2SC2001K TR,2SA1015(0.4W) TR,PE8050B,C,D TR,PE8550B,C TR,2SC1815 (0.4W) TR,2SK118R TR,DTA114YS TR,DTC114ES TR,2SC2458GR C-TR,2SC4116GR C-TR,DTC114YK C-FET,2SK880Y DIODE,SVC34

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