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File information:
File name:Fm_Clock_530-532.part1.rar
[preview FR-A530 FR-A532]
Size:2144 kB
Model:FR-A530 FR-A532 🔎
Original:09-013-355-5R1 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Radio Clock Receiver - Type U, EZ, LH, K(B) - (7.716Kb) pag. 21
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics
Multipart: 0  1  2  3

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File name Fm_Clock_530-532.pdf

FR-A530 FR-A532 U(B),EZ(B),LH(B) K(B) SERVICE MANUAL RADIO RECEIVER This Service Manual is the "Revision Publishing" and replaces "Simple Manual" (S/M Code No. 09-013-355-5T1). VI S/M Code No. 09-013-355-5R1 DA TA RE SIO N ACCESSORIES/PACKAGE LIST-1/1 REF. NO 1 1 1 1 1 KANRI DESCRIPTION NO. 8B-RU7-901-010 IB,U(3L)C<530UBC> 8B-RU7-904-010 IB,LH(3L)C 530<530LHBC> 8B-RU7-905-010 IB,EZ(EGF)C 530<530EZBC> 8B-RU7-906-010 IB,EZ(SID)C 530<530EZBC> 8B-RU7-907-010 IB,EZ(PHNCZ)C 530<530EZBC> IB,K(E)C<532KBC> PART NO. 1 8B-RU7-908-010 -2- SPECIFICATIONS FR-A530 U MODEL FR-A530 EZ MODEL · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . FR-A530 LH MODEL FR-A532 K MODEL · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . -3- ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST-1/1 REF. NO IC PART NO. KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO C219 C302 C303 C304 C305 C307 C505 C506 C507 C508 C509 C553 C554 C557 C558 C559 C560 C561 C562 C563 C564 C565 C566 C567 C568 C569 C572 C574 C575 CF102 CF103 L103 L107 L108 L111 L112 L113 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW5 SW6 !SW7 T106 T106 8B-RU7-611-010 TRANSISTOR 89-318-155-010 87-026-215-010 89-414-683-080 DIODE 87-070-345-080 87-A40-398-010 87-A40-476-010 MAIN C.B C101 C102 C103 C104 C105 C107 C108 C109 C110 C111 C112 C113 C114 C115 C116 C117 C118 C119 C121 C122 C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C129 C130 C131 C132 C134 C136 C136 C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 C211 C212 C213 C214 C215 C216 C217 C218 87-A11-849-010 87-A11-849-010 87-A11-849-010 87-A11-897-010 87-A10-182-010 87-A11-836-010 87-A11-889-010 87-A11-851-010 87-A11-897-010 87-A11-840-010 88-RU7-634-010 8Z-CA3-613-010 87-A11-897-010 8Z-CA3-613-010 87-010-380-010 87-A11-843-010 8Z-CA3-613-010 87-010-248-010 87-A10-182-010 87-A11-838-010 87-A11-845-010 8B-RU7-610-010 87-010-380-010 87-A10-178-010 87-010-235-010 87-010-248-010 87-A11-923-010 8B-RU7-610-010 8B-RU7-610-010 87-010-380-010 8B-RU7-614-010 8B-RU7-615-010 87-A12-354-080 87-010-235-010 87-010-415-080 87-A10-182-010 87-A10-182-010 87-A12-364-080 8Z-CA3-613-010 87-010-401-010 87-010-235-010 87-010-380-010 8Z-CA3-613-010 8Z-CA3-613-010 8Z-CA3-613-010 IC,KA22425D<530UBC> KANRI NO. 8Z-CA3-613-010 CAP,CER 87-A11-843-010 CAP,CER 8Z-CA3-613-010 CAP,CER 87-A11-836-010 CAP,CER 87-A11-844-010 CAP,CER 87-A11-859-010 87-010-263-010 8Z-CA3-613-010 87-A12-362-080 87-A12-362-080 87-A10-578-010 87-A10-164-010 87-A10-578-010 87-A10-402-080 87-A12-366-080 8B-RU7-609-010 87-A10-128-010 87-010-405-080 87-010-404-080 87-010-405-080 87-010-545-010 87-010-405-080 87-010-235-910 87-010-101-010 87-010-380-010 87-010-404-080 87-A11-848-010 87-010-405-080 87-A10-182-010 87-PC4-617-010 8B-RT9-613-010 8B-RU7-629-010 87-003-146-080 8B-RU7-616-010 8B-RU7-608-010 8B-RU7-607-010 8B-RU7-608-010 8B-RU7-604-010 8B-RU7-605-010 8B-RU7-606-010 8B-RU7-604-010 8B-RU7-604-010 8B-RU7-606-010 8B-RU7-626-010 87-A90-

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