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ESS ESS1688 free download

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Descr:ESS1688 PC sound
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ES1688 AudioDrive® Product Brief DESCRIPTION The ES1688 AudioDrive is a mixed-signal single-chip solution that adds 16-bit stereo sound and FM music synthesis to personal computers. It includes an embedded microprocessor, a 20-voice ESFMTM music synthesizer, 16-bit stereo wave ADC and DAC, 16bit stereo music DAC, MPU-401 UART mode serial port, two serial port interfaces to external DSP and external wavetable music synthesizer, DMA control logic with FIFO, and ISA bus inferface logic. There are three stereo inputs (typically line, CD Audio, and auxiliary line) and a mono microphone input to an internal preamp. All of this on a single chip that can be designed into a motherboard, add-on card, or integrated into other peripheral cards such as Fax/Modem, VGA, LAN, I/O, etc. The ES1688 AudioDrive® can record, compress, and play back voice, sound, and music with built-in 6-channel mixer controls. Using two high-performance DMA channels, the ES1688 supports full-duplex analog operation for simultaneous record and playback. The ESFMTM synthesizer has extended capabilities within native mode operation providing superior sound and power-down capabilities. The ES1688 is register compatible to OPL3TM. The MPU-401 serial port is for interfacing with an external MIDI device. The PC speaker volume can be modified by software. Two software address selection modes allow for motherboard Plug and Play configuration. A DSP serial interface allows an external DSP to take over DAC or ADC resources. A wavetable serial port allows the ES1688 to interface with either the ES689 or ES690 wavetables. I/O address, DMA, and interrupt selection can be controlled through system software or by jumper. Advanced power management features include suspend/resume from disk or host-independent self-timed power-down and automatic wake-up. The ES1688 AudioDrive is available in an industry-standard 100pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP) package. ® ® FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS W W Single, high-performance, mixed-signal, 16-bit stereo VLSI chip for digital audio High-quality, 20-voice ESFMTM music synthesizer; patents pending Patented ESPCM® compression W Record and Playback Features W W Record, compress, and play back voice, sound, and music Programmable sample rate from 4 kHz to 44.1 kHz for record and playback Mixer controlled record and playback with programmable logarithmic volume controls W Inputs and Outputs W W W W MIDI serial port compatible with MPU-401 UART mode Address decode for joystick Programmed I/O and demand transfer DMA Software address mapping, DMA and IRQ selections for motherboard Plug and Play Wavetable serial port interface to ES689/ES690 for direct access to the music DAC PC speaker input/output with volume control Serial port interface to external DSP optionally controls fullduplex analog operation W W W Mixer Features W 6-channel stereo mixer inputs for line, auxiliary A (CD audio), auxiliary B, digital audio (wave files), music synthesizer, plus a mono channe

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