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Samsung SGH-Q100 service manual free download

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DUAL BAND Mobile Cellular Phone SGH-Q100 SERVICE Manual Dual Band Mobile Cellular Phone CONTENTS 1. Electrical Parts List 2. Exploded Views and Parts List 3. Block Diagrams 4. PCB Diagrams 5. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagrams C DEF ABC GHI MNO JKL PQRS WXYZ TUV 1. SGH-Q100 MAIN Electrical Parts List Level SEC Code Design LOC DESCRIPTIONS 0 GH92-00827A - PBA MAIN-SGHQ100 MP ASS'Y;SGH-Q100, SEUK, UNKD, MP PB 1 3002-001103 AU501 BUZZER-MAGNETIC;93 dB, 3.6 V, 90mA, 2, 550Hz, BK 1 2404-001134 C1001, C1002, C1003 C-TA, CHIP;100 uF, 20 %, 6.3 V, LZ, TP, 4028 1 2203-001239 C1005, C1015, C1023 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;0.082 nF, 5 %, 50 V, NP0, TP, 1005 1 2203-000696 C1006, C1016, C1020 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;0.002 nF, 0.25 pF, 50 V, NP0, TP, 1005 1 2203-000254 C1008, C1009, C1019 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;10 nF, 10 %, 16 V, X7R, TP, 1005, - 1 2203-005571 C101, C103, C105, C112 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;10000 nF, +80-20 %, 6.3 V, Y5 V, TP, 2012 1 2203-005446 C1010, C902, R901 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;0.0027 nF, 0.1 pF, 50 V, NP0, TP, 1005 1 2203-000995 C1011, C942, R1019 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;0.047 nF, 5 %, 50 V, NP0, TP, 1005 1 2203-000233 C1012, C1036, C1037 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;0.1 nF, 5 %, 50 V, NP0, TP, 1005 1 2203-000812 C1013, C1045, C804 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;0.033 nF, 5 %, 50 V, NP0, TP, 1005 1 2203-001072 C1014 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;0.056 nF, 5 %, 50 V, NP0, TP, 1005 1 2203-001124 C1017, C1018, C1024 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;680 pF, 10 %, 50 V, X7R, TP, 1005, - 1 2203-005065 C102, C104, C106, C110 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;1000 nF, +80-20 %, 10 V, Y5 V, TP, 1608 1 2203-000628 C1021, C611, C612 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;0.022 nF, 5 %, 50 V, NP0, TP, 1005 1 2203-000696 C1022, C958 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;0.002 nF, 0.25 pF, 50 V, NP0, TP, 1005 1 2203-000254 C1028, C1030, C111 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;10 nF, 10 %, 16 V, X7R, TP, 1005, - 1 2203-005383 C1029 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;7 pF, 0.1 pF, 50 V, NPO, TP, 1005, - 1 2203-000425 C1031, C905 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;0.018 nF, 5 %, 50 V, NP0, TP, 1005 1 2203-005061 C1033, C115, C201, C203 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;100 nF, +80-20 %, 16 V, Y5 V, TP, 1005 1 2203-001259 C1035, C1044, C944 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;0.008 nF, 0.5 pF, 50 V, NP0, TP, 1005 1 2203-000233 C1038, C1039, C1041 C-CERAMIC, CHIP;0.1 nF, 5 %, 50 V, NP0,

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