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File name kupdf.net_laptop-power-sequence-training-100pdf.pdf

LAPTOP POWER Sequence CHIP LEVEL LAPTOP REPAIR COURSE REPAIR Whatsapp +91 7666766623 Whatsapp 7666766623 Laptop Voltage requirement Supply requirement on motherboard ADOPTER INPUT VOLT 18V VOLT CPU 1V or 0.8v,1.05v(30amp) 0.8v,1.05v(30amp) MCH 1.05v or 1.5v,1.8v 1.5v,1.8v ICH 1.05 or 1.5v,1.8,3.3v,5v 1.5v,1.8,3.3v,5v DDR 2 1.8v,3.3v,0.9v Vin SIO(KBC) 3.3v Clock chip 3.3v BIOS 3.3v Network chip 3.3v Audio chip 3.3v Batary Charging Voltage 10.8v Audio amp 5v Temp. sensor 3.3v Card reader 3.3v LCD supply 3.3v Hard disk 5.0v DVD writer 5.0v USB 5.0 Laptop Voltage requirement Supply requirement on motherboard ADOPTER INPUT VOLT 18V VOLT CPU 1V or 0.8v,1.05v(30amp) 0.8v,1.05v(30amp) MCH 1.05v or 1.5v,1.8v 1.5v,1.8v ICH 1.05 or 1.5v,1.8,3.3v,5v 1.5v,1.8,3.3v,5v DDR 2 1.8v,3.3v,0.9v Vin SIO(KBC) 3.3v Clock chip 3.3v BIOS 3.3v Network chip 3.3v Audio chip 3.3v Batary Charging Voltage 10.8v Audio amp 5v Temp. sensor 3.3v Card reader 3.3v LCD supply 3.3v Hard disk 5.0v

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