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Now downloading free:DENON Service Bulletin OST-F1034

DENON Service Bulletin OST-F1034 free download

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File name:Service Bulletin OST-F1034.PDF
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Model:Service Bulletin OST-F1034 🔎
Original:Service Bulletin OST-F1034 🔎
Descr: DENON AV Surround Receiver & Amplifier AV Surround Receiver & Amplifier Denon - AVR-2105 & 885 & AVC-1890 Service Bulletin OST-F1034.PDF
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File name Service Bulletin OST-F1034.PDF

100 Corporate Drive Mahwah, NJ 07430 Service Bulletin No. : OST-F1034 Date: November 24, 2009 _____________________________________________________________ Model: AVR-885, AVR-2105, AVR-785, AVR-1905, AVR-685, AVR-1705, AVR-485, AVR-1505 Subject: Countermeasure for preventing the Power Amplifier Circuit from breaking down. Symptom: The transistor that is used to compensate the temperature rise of the Power Transistor in the Output Stage is incapable of following the rapid temperature rise. Because the temperature rise is not compensated for properly the Power Amplifier Circuit may be damaged Solution: The circuit has been corrected so that the temperature rise of the Power Transistor is compensated properly. MODIFICATION: (Upon repair) Replace all Q103 Transistors and all R101 resistors in the unit with the improved parts. (The replacement of the transistor and resistor is applicable to each channel of C, FL, FR, SL, SR, SBL and SBR.)

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