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Now downloading free:Aiwa TP-M725 TP-M525

Aiwa TP-M725 TP-M525 free download

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File information:
File name:tape_rec_725.pdf
[preview TP-M725 TP-M525]
Size:1892 kB
Model:TP-M725 TP-M525 🔎
Original:09-003-343-4R1 🔎
Descr:Manual Service - Microtape recorder - Type YL, Y, YH - Tape mech. ML-810 - pag. 14
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics
Multipart:No multipart

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File name tape_rec_725.pdf

TP-M725 Y(S) TP-M525 YH(S),Y(S),YL(S) SERVICE MANUAL MICROCASSETTE RECORDER BASIC TAPE MECHANISM : ML-810 This Service Manual is the "Revision Publishing" and replaces "Simple Manual" TP-M725 Y(S/M Code No.09-003-343-4T1) TP-M525 YH,Y,YL (S/M Code No.09-003-343-5T1). RE S/M Code No. 09-003-343-4R1 DA TA VI SIO N SPECIFICATIONS Track system: Usable tapes: Frequency response: Microphone: Maximum output: Input jack: Output jack: Other jack: Speaker: Recording system: Erasing system: Recording speed: Power sources: Micro cassette, 2 tracks 1 channel, monaural (Normal position type) 250 - 5,000 Hz (2.4 cm/sec) EIAJ Electret condenser microphone (monaural) 150 mW (EIAJ/DC) EXT MIC jack (monaural mini-jack) (1) EARPHONE jack (monaural mini-jack) (1) DC 3 V jack Diameter 36 mm, 8 ohms DC bias DC erasure 2.4 cm/sec or 1.2 cm/sec switchable DC 3 V using two (size AA) dry cell batteries AC house current using the AC adaptor Aiwa AC-300/302 [Y(S)] Aiwa AC-620/302 [YH(S), YL(S)] Battery Battery life: Dimensions: Weight: Battry life EIAJ Recording EIAJ 10 mW Manganese(R6P) batteries Approx. 6 hrs. Approx. 5 hrs. Alkaline(LR6) batteries Approx. 17 hrs. Approx. 15 hrs. 62 (W) x 119(H) x 29 (D) mm (2 1/2 x 4 3/4 x 1 3/16 in) Approx. 132 g (4.6 oz.) (excluding batteries) · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. ACCESSORIES LIST REF. NO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 PART NO. KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO 3 4 4 5 PART NO. KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION 8A-HX4-903-010 8A-HX4-905-010 8A-HX4-906-010 8A-HX4-907-010 8A-HX4-904-010 8A-HX3-905-010 8A-HX3-906-010 8A-HX3-907-010 87-PD3-050-010 87-PD3-050-010 IB,YH(ECK)C<5YHS> IB,Y(EGF)C<5YS> IB,Y(SID)C<5YS> IB,Y(PHNCZ)C<5YS> IB,YL(3L)C<5YLS> IB,Y(EGF)C<7YSC> IB,Y(SID)C<7YSC> IB,Y(PHNCZ)C<7YSC> STRAP,HAND STRAP,HAND<7YSC> 87-048-286-010 84-TM1-951-010 84-TM1-951-010 S2-301-020-100 HP-255 NS<7YSC> CARRYING CASE<5YHS,5YLS> CARRYING CASE<7YSC> RC,4TM1<7YSC> 2 ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST REF. NO IC PART NO. KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO C306 C307 C308 C401 C402 C403 C503 C504 C505 C506 C811 J1 J2 J3 LED401 R301 R311 R312 SW101 SW151 SW201 SW202 SW202 SW203 SW204 SW301 SW601 TH301 VR101 VR201 VR301 VR302 84-TM1-613-080 87-A20-367-080 84-TM1-615-010 TRANSISTOR 87-026-213-080 89-342-132-080 87-026-239-080 89-327-125-080 89-333-266-080 87-026-504-080 87-026-230-080 87-A30-179-080 89-112-134-080 89-341-165-080 87-026-411-080 87-026-418-080 89-111-625-080 89-113-625-080 DIODE 87-020-125-080 87-020-027-080 87-001-142-080 87-020-339-080 87-001-167-080 87-001-165-080 87-001-166-080 MAIN C.B IC,AN7085NS IC,TB2003F-012 C-IC,AN6656S KANRI NO. 87-010-197-080 CAP, 87-010-197-080 CAP, 87-010-746-080 CAP, 87-010-794-080 CHIP 87-010-196-080 CHIP 87-012-141-080 87-010-746-080 87-010-503-040 87-010-503-040 87-010-194-080 87-016-576-080 84-TM1-640-010 84-TM1-630-010 87-009-022-010 87-A40-573-080 87-022-656-080 84-TM1-632-080 84-TM1-633-080 87-A90-330-080 87-A90-330-080 87-A90-703-080 8

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