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Now downloading free:Erisson LCD20LS01 04

Erisson LCD20LS01 04 free download

LCD television

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Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Erisson LCD TV Телевизор ЖК Erisson 20LS01 ERISSON LCD20LS01 ERISSON LCD20LS01 04.pdf
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File name ERISSON LCD20LS01 04.pdf

SERVICE MANUAL 8T84 CHASSIS Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. ( ONLY REFERRENCE) _____ ENGINEER BY: _____ CHECKED BY: PPROVED BY: _____ Contents Contents------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Technical specification-------------------------------------------- 3-8 Chassis Block Diagram-------------------------------------------- 9 Service Adjustments ----------------------------------------------- 10-11 Operation Instructions--------------------------------------------- 12-26 Circuit Diagram----------------------------------------------------- 27 -2- T E C H N IC A L S PE C IF IC A T IO N 1.General Specification No Item Specification Remark 1. System 1) PAL BG/DK/I 2) SECAM BG/DK/L/L' 3) NTSC M * 2. Channel 1) VHF : K1S7 CATV : S8S38 UHF : S39DS57 3. Input Voltage AC 110 ~ 240 V50/60Hz 4. Market EUROPE, East ASIAN, Australian 5. Panel Size(inch) 15"/17''/20'' 6. Tuning System FS 7. Operating Environment 1) Temp : 0 ~ 40 deg 2) Humidity : 40 ~ 85 % 8. Storage Environment 3) Temp : -20 ~ 50 deg 4) Humidity : 30 ~ 90 % 2. Feature and Function No Item Specification Remark 1. TELETEXT 10page 2. REMOCON RC5 Code 3. FULL SCART Input 1 4. Component input 1 Y Cb Cr/Y Pb Pr (480i/p, 720p, 1080i) 5. VGA 1 6. 2 Carrier Stereo YES 7. NICAM Stereo Y 8. 2 Carrier Dual Y 9. NICAM Dual Y 10. SSC (Split Screen) Mode Option DUAL TXT PAGE 11. Headphone

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