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Now downloading free:Aiwa TP-C400

Aiwa TP-C400 free download

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File information:
File name:walk_400.pdf
[preview TP-C400]
Size:191 kB
Model:TP-C400 🔎 TPC400
Original:09-012-440-0T1 🔎
Descr:Service Manual - Tape Recorder - TN9- X R-107 - Type Y, YH, YHT - pag. 10
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics
Multipart:No multipart

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File name walk_400.pdf

TP-C400 Y,YH,YHT SERVICE MANUAL CASSETTE RECORDER BASIC TAPE MECHANISM: TN-9 X R-107 · Replace this Service manual with "Revision Publishing" when it is issued. S/M Code No. 09-012-440-0T1 LE MP A SI AT D PARTS LIST ! C = ! SAFTY PARTS = Components marked All components used on this model at the production line are shown in this service manual. However, please note that not all components will be available as spare parts for after-sales service. Components marked S and O are designated as spare parts for service and will be stocked at the spare parts centers. Components marked X and R are not designated as spare parts for after sales service, and will not be stocked at the spare parts centers. K NO. = Only use japanese. ! C O O O O O O O X O O O O O O O O O O O X O O O O X X X X X X X X X X X X X O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O S S S S O X X UNIT NAME APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE APPEARANCE BATT/REC INDICATOR BATT/REC INDICATOR KNOB KNOB KNOB KNOB KNOB KNOB OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS OTHERS REF NO. PARTS CODE K NO. ------0E 0E -0E 0E 0E 0E 0E -0E --------------0E ---0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 0E 1A 1F 0E 0E 0E DESCRIPTION SUFFIX YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC YBC MODEL NAME TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 TP-C400 D R 8B-HTC-004-010 8B-HTC-006-010 8B-HTD-001-010 8B-HTD-002-010 8B-HTD-003-010 8B-HTD-004-010 0305 87-017-827-070 0309 88-118-222-080 8B-HTC-008-010 8Z-HT6-010-010 8Z-HT6-011-010 8Z-HT6-012-010 8Z-HT6-013-010 8Z-HT6-014-010 87-HT8-203-010 87-HT8-204-010 87-HT8-205-010 87-HT8-208-010 87-HT8-209-010 87-HT8-214-010 8B-HTC-201-010 8B-HTC-202-010 8B-HTC-203-010 8B-HTC-205-010 8B-HTC-206-010 8B-HTC-603-010 8B-HTC-604-010 8B-HTC-605-010 8B-HTC-607-010 8B-HTD-601-010 87-B40-057-010 8B-HTD-851-010 8B-HTD-852-010 8B-HTD-853-010 87-B40-154-010 87-B40-154-010 87-B40-281-010 0101 87-015-680-010 0102 87-010-805-080 0103 87-010-805-080 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0118 0119 0120 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0201 0151 0401 0402 0001 0103 0001 0002 87-010-186-080 87-010-184-080 87-015-695-010 87-015

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