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Now downloading free:DENON Service Bulletin OST-681

DENON Service Bulletin OST-681 free download

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Model:Service Bulletin OST-681 🔎
Original:Service Bulletin OST-681 🔎
Descr: DENON DVD Video Player DVD Video Player Denon - DVD-3800 Service Bulletin OST-681.PDF
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File name Service Bulletin OST-681.PDF

100 Corporate Drive Mahwah, NJ 07430 Service Bulletin No. : OST-681 Date: May 3, 2007 _____________________________________________________________ Model: DVD-3800, DVD-9000 Subject: Improvement in the Video Frequency Characteristics and the Channel Status Data (Change in the ESS Chip). Symptom: Regarding the subject models, the following points have been improved. 1) Improvement in the Video Frequency Characteristics: Level of the high frequency range of the Video Image signal is slightly low, and we will change it so that it is flattened. (Progressive Output: Approx. -2dB at 5.8kHz Approx. 0dB.) 2) Improvement in the Channel Status Data. (Change in the ESS chip.) We will correct an error in the category of channel status data of the Digital Output. (It does not come into question in actual use though this error exists in the category.) Solution: Please apply the following modifications to the unit when necessary. MODIFICATION Improving the Video Frequency Characteristics: 1) Modifications of the DVD-3800, GU-3389A, Main Unit A, and the DVD-9000 GU-3389, MAIN Unit: (1) Connect the "001 0112 043, Vinyl Wire (40mm length)" between patterns of the GND_D1 of the CX272, Pin #10 and the GND_D1 of the R835, from the pattern side of the P.W. Board. (Refer to the attached sheet-1, GU-3389A and GU-3389 Working Drawing.) ______________________________________________________________________________________ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this document is intended for the exclusive use by DENON Authorized Service Centers and their employees. This document may contain information that is privileged, confidential and may be protected from disclosure under applicable laws and terms of the DENON Service Agreement. Any distribution, disclosure, dissemination or copying of this document and the information it contains is prohibited. No responsibility will be accepted by DENON for any damage, injury or loss resulting from the misuse of the information contained in this document. 2) Modification of the Video PWB Unit: GU-3438-2 (1) R701 and R732 (2 places): Replace resistors "RM73B--561JT" with "247 2006 973, RM73B--511JT". (2)C702 and C728 (2 places): Attach two capacitors "257 0502 971, CC73CH1H5R0CT" to where C702 and C728 have been printed on the P. W. Board. (blank holes) (3)LF705 (one place): Replace the "ELB4B584" with "261 0161 900, ELB4B590N". 2)-2. DVD-9000: GU-3390-2(1) R801, 809, and 821(3 places): Replace resistors "RM73B--561JT "with "247 2006 973, RM73B- -511JT". (2) C802, 812 and 825 (3 places): Attach three capacitors "257 0502 942, CC73CH1H2R0CT" to where C802, 812 and 825 have been printed on the P. W. Board. (blank holes) (3) LF805 (one place): Replace the "ELB4B584" with "261 0161 900, ELB4B590N". 4

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