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Now downloading free:Aiwa FR-AQ505, FR-A506

Aiwa FR-AQ505, FR-A506 free download

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File information:
File name:fm_clock_.rar
[preview FR-AQ505, FR-A506]
Size:2069 kB
Model:FR-AQ505, FR-A506 🔎
Original:09-995-331-9R1 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Radio Clock - (2.480Kb) Pag. 10
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics
Multipart:No multipart

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File name FRAQ 505 Rev.pdf

FR-AQ505 FR-A506 EZ EZ SERVICE MANUAL RADIO RECEIVER This Service Manual is the "Revision Publishing" and replaces "Simple Manual" (S/M Code No. 09-995-331-9T1). RE S/M Code No. 09-995-331-9R1 DA TA VI SIO N SPECIFICATIONS FR-AQ505: FR-A506: · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . 2 ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST REF. NO IC PART NO. KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO L101 L102 L105 L107 L108 L201 L202 L501 PVC101 S101 S207 S208 S401 T101 T102 T103 T104 T105 T106 VR101 X501 LED C.B ! 87-A21-200-010 87-A20-898-010 88-RU7-644-010 87-001-196-010 IC,LM8562 IC,TDA1083 IC,TC74HC4060 IC,ICPN10 KANRI DESCRIPTION NO. 88-RU7-626-010 COIL,RF 4.5X3.5T 88-RU7-626-010 COIL,RF 4.5X3.5T 88-RU7-607-010 BAR-ANT,MW 87-003-146-080 COIL,15UH LAL02 88-RU7-633-010 COIL,FB-6T 88-RU7-641-010 88-RU7-642-010 87-003-147-080 88-RU7-631-010 87-036-413-010 87-A90-779-010 87-A90-780-010 87-A90-778-010 88-RU7-610-010 88-RU7-611-010 88-RU7-612-010 88-RU7-613-010 88-RU7-614-010 88-RU7-615-010 87-A90-758-010 88-RU7-645-010 COIL,15UH COIL,100UH COIL, 22UH TUN-CAP,20P-140P 20X20 EZ SW,SL 2-2-2 SW,SL 2-4-3 SSSF143 SW,SL 2-2-4 SSSS224 SW,SL 2-2-3 SS-337-B23 IFT,FM-IF 10MM ORG IFT,FM-IF 10MM GRN IFT,AM-IF 10MM YEL IFT,AM-IF 10MM WHT IFT,FM-IF 10MM PNK IFT,AM-OSC 10MM RED VR,RTRY 50KA H XV092 VIB,XTAL 51.2KHZ PART NO. CHIP RESISTOR PART CODE Chip Resistor Part Coding 8 8 A Resistor Code Value of resistor Chip resistor Dimensions (mm) Figure TRANSISTOR 89-319-233-010 89-318-155-010 89-110-155-010 89-418-580-080 89-211-821-080 87-A30-031-010 DIODE 87-070-345-080 87-A40-475-010 87-A40-398-010 87-A40-476-010 MAIN C.B C101 C102 C103 C116 C119 C125 C127 C129 C134 C202 C203 C213 C214 C215 C301 C401 C508 C509 C510 J101 88-RU7-635-010 88-RU7-635-010 88-RU7-635-010 87-010-380-010 87-010-101-010 87-010-380-010 87-010-235-010 87-010-101-010 87-010-380-010 87-010-235-010 87-010-378-010 87-010-401-010 87-010-235-010 87-010-380-010 87-010-112-010 87-010-495-040 87-010-101-010 87-010-101-010 87-010-112-010 87-A60-477-010 CAP,CER 30P-50 J CH CAP,CER 30P-50 J CH CAP,CER 30P-50 J CH CAP,E 47-16 SME CAP, ELECT 220-16V CAP,E 47-16 SME ELECTROLYTIC, 470-16 CAP, ELECT 220-16V CAP,E 47-16 SME ELECTROLYTIC, 470-16 CAP, ELECT 10-16SME CAP, ELECT 1-50V ELECTROLYTIC, 470-16 CAP,E 47-16 SME CAP,ELECT 100-16V CAP,ELECT 2.2-50 CAP, ELECT 220-16V CAP, ELECT 220-16V CAP,ELECT 100-16V JACK,DIA3.6 MONO W TC38-096 DIODE,IN4148 ZENER,MTZJ3.9A DIODE,1N4001 ZENER,MTZJ6.2A TR,2SC1923 (0.1W) TR,2SC1815(GR) TR,2SA1015GR(80MHZ,0.4) TR,2SD1858 TV2 CHIP-TR 2SB1182Q P-TR,PT380F Wattage 1/16W 1/16W 1/10W 1/8W Type 1005 1608 2125 3216 Tolerance 5% 5% 5% 5% Symbol CJ CJ CJ CJ Form L W L 1.0 t W 0.5 0.8 1.25 1.6 t 0.35 0.45 0.45 0.55 :A Resistor Code : A 104 108 118 128 1.6 2 3.2 D407 SW1 C.B S201 S202 S203 S205 S206 SW2 C.B S

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