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Now downloading free:panasonic Service Hints Z-375

panasonic Service Hints Z-375 free download

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File name:Panasonic Service Hints
[preview Service Hints Z-375]
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Model:Service Hints Z-375 🔎
Original:Service Hints Z-375 🔎
Descr: panasonic TV Panasonic Service Hints
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name Panasonic Service Hints

ORDER No.ETD:98-014 SERVICE HINT Colour Television MODEL:- TC-14B3RF TC-14B3RC TX-14B3TC Chassis:- Z-375 Date:- 4-2-98 Subject: Schematic diagram. Background: The mute circuit was changed to improve the performance on switch "ON" and switch "OFF". Unfortunately the service manual had already gone to print. The changes are shown in the diagram and table below. No. Ref: Schematic Actual Service Manual In TV. 1 Q701 Transistor (KTC3198Y) NPN Transistor (KTA1266Y) PNP 2 Q711 Not Shown FET (BS170) 3 R701 Resistor ( 1 Kohm) Same as schematic 4 R607 Resistor ( 11 Kohm) Same as schematic 5 R608 Resistor ( 1 Kohm) Same as schematic 6 R624 Not Shown Resistor ( 30 Kohm) 7 C701 Capacitor (22Mf 16V) Deleted 8 C613 Capacitor (0.01Mf 50V) Same as schematic 9 C642 Not Shown Capacitor (47Mf 16V) Panasonic Document No: QUA0012 Issue: 2

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