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Software Specification 6 Chapter Software Specifications Get to know more about the A7Sv series Notebook with a detailed look at the software specifications. T he information contained in the chapter can be quite useful when you are troubleshooting the system's hardware. Each item has its individual usage for you to Und erstand the software side of the notebook's architecture. 6-1 Software Specification 1. BIOS Version Naming Rule BIOS Version Format : RNN Table 1 BIOS Revision Code Format CHARACTER DEFINITION DESCRIPTION R Major 0 = SR (sample run) phase, version 1 = ER (engineer run) phase, 2 = PR (pilot-run) and MP (mass-production) phases T = Test Version, which is for unofficial verification. The test BIOS will not be released officially and uploaded to BIOS folder of NB sever. 9 = Test Version, used in case of test BIOS over xxxxxxxx.T99, The next version of test BIOS will be xxxxxxxx.900 Note: minor version of test BIOS is counting sequentially. 9

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