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Now downloading free:NOKIA NHM5-028

NOKIA NHM5-028 free download

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Descr: NOKIA Mobile Phone Nokia_3310 NHM5-028.PDF
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CONFIDENTIAL 1 (2) Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No. SB-028/24.04.01 Technical Support, Europe & Africa NHM-5 AUTO TURN OFF Some transceivers are observed to suffer from intermittent 'Auto turn off'. Symptoms of this can be following: Phone switches off by itself - Even with 3 or 4 battery bars and after turn on again it is possible to make a call for a longer period - Typically it fails repeatedly with intervals of anything from minutes to one or two days - This should not be mixed up with the normal Battery Low turn off The following component should be changed in phones suffering from that 'Auto turn off' symptom: ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION DEL R301 1620105 RES NETWORK 0W06 2X2K2 J 0404 ADD R301 1620017 RES NETWORK 0W06 2X100R J 0404 Above mentioned change has been done in production since following HWIDs: MODULE HWID UP4IV (0201741) 0813 UD4 (0201476) 0814 UG4 (0201677) 0815 Above mentioned component change is primary correction. As secondary correction it can be checked, which Flash IC has been used. In few cases the 'Auto turn off' symptom can be caused also by old ST flash i.e. from before week 05/2001, and therefore it is recommended that only ST flashes from week 05/2001 or later are used. INTEL flashes can be also used, as those are not seen to cause any that kind of symptoms. Instructions how to check the weekcode from ST flash can be found in APPENDIX I. NHM-5 SB-028 CONFIDENTIAL 2 (2) APPENDIX I For 0.25

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