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Intel Pentium Processor Author: Saraju P. Mohanty Dated: 17th April 2000 Disclaimer: I do not claim any originality for this work. This is basically a review of different works/materials/papers related to computer architecture, specifically Intel Pentium Architecture. This work has been done for partial fulfillment of course work. 2 Abstract Human requirements are unlimited. Human beings want to achieve those unlimited requirements in a limited time. As a consequence, they want to do all works as fast as possible with highest degree of reliability. This in turn requires some sort of automation (i.e. work with less human intervention). Computer is the major thing needed for this automation process. The computer had played a major role for revolution of civilization. We find the use of computers in all aspects of our day-to-day life. Various significant applications of computer being ATM, Laptop, Palmtop, World Wide Web, e-mail, e- commerce, and so on. The real entity that does all the work in the computer is the microprocessor. The computers have undergone generations after generations with the growth various electronic devices and software as well. There are various different computers and microprocessor developed by different manufacturers. Intel is one of the leading manufacturers. This work gives overall study of various microprocessors developed by Intel. More detailed study of Pentium processor is done. Various hardware and software aspects of the Pentium processor are studied in detail. Key Word Abacus, ENIAC, vacuum tubes, transistors, MHz/GHz, clone, embedded processors, coprocessor, Superscalar, CISC, RISC, cache, MMX, 2nd-level (L2) cache, SISD, SIMD, processor serial ID (chip ID), VLIW, EPIC, superscalar factor, pipeline depth, micro-ops, branch prediction, instruction set 1. Introduction The computing history starts well back from 3000 BC with the invention of abacus in Babylonia and consequently with the use of algorithms to solve numerical problems in 1800 BC. With the rapid development of civilization and consequent increase in the demand for faster and correct calculations human beings have tried to develop various computing machines that can meet their requirements. The different forms computing machines developed are slide rules, mechanical calculators, analytical machines and so on. In 1890, electromechanical calculator was used in US census. In 1940 Complex Numerical Calculator (the first Digital Computer) was demonstrated in Bell Labs. The first general purpose computer called "Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer" (ENIAC) was made in 1946 and (unfortunately) used extensively in World War II. With the invention of vacuum tubes in 1951 there was few rapid development in computer designs. The modern computer age really started with invention of transistors in 1959 in th

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