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TECHNICAL INFORMATION Subject Change of Ball Bearing 627LLB 58937, 58940 For Models See below Country All countries Description For standardization, Ball Bearing 627LLB has been changed. There is almost no difference between the performance of the current Ball Bearing and that of the new one. The new one has already been used for the following models; 4324, 6807, 6812 Interchangeability(I/C) Item No. Current part Q'ty I/C New part Q'ty Note Ball Bearing 627LLB Ball Bearing 627LLB see below 211026-9 1 Yes 1 210025-8 For Models and Item No. For models Item No. For models Item No. For models Item No. BO4510 003 1923B 012 6904VH 025 BO4520 003 1923BD 012 6905B 022 BO4530 003 1923H 035 6905H 025 BO6010 016 3901 017 8419B2 014, 017 BO6020 016 4322 032 900 017 HP2000 012, 014 4322M 032 9035 004 HP2010 012, 014 4323 032 9035N 004 HP2010N 012, 014 4323M 032 9035SB 004 HP2020 012, 014 5620DW 031 9036 004 HP2030 040 5621RDW 038 910 017 HP2031 040 5630DW 022 9201 021 HP2032 040 6013 024 9500B 012 HP2033 040 6016 024 9501 031 JS1650 023, 039 6020 024 9501B 016 JS1660 008, 020 6510B2 030 9501BH 016 JS1670 008, 020 6700N 036, 039 9502B 008 LP2521 258 6700P 036, 039 9502BH 008 LS711DW 022 6800 025, 034 9503B 009 LS800DW 022 6806B 033, 037 9503BH 009 M801 014 6822 024 9505 009 M901 003 6830 055 9505B 009 M902 004 6832 058 9505BH 010 M903 004 6833 058 9514B 005 M952 008 6834 057 9514BH 005 M954 005 6904H 025 9552B 008 S1100 027 6904V 025

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