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Now downloading free:Aiwa HS-TA31, HS-TA32, HS-TA33, HS-TA34, HS-TA212, HS-TA213

Aiwa HS-TA31, HS-TA32, HS-TA33, HS-TA34, HS-TA212, HS-TA213 free download

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File name:walkman_.part1.rar
[preview HS-TA31, HS-TA32, HS-TA33, HS-TA34, HS-TA212, HS-TA213]
Size:2144 kB
Model:HS-TA31, HS-TA32, HS-TA33, HS-TA34, HS-TA212, HS-TA213 🔎
Original:09-00C-438-5R2 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Fm Tape Player - Tape mech. 4ZM-2 P19NC, 4ZM-2 P19NF - (2.772Kb) pag. 14
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics
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File name HSTA 213 Rev.pdf

HS-TA212 YH HS-TA213 YH,YHT,YJ,YV,YZ HS-TA31 YU HS-TA32 YU HS-TA33 YU HS-TA34 YU SERVICE MANUAL STEREO RADIO CASSETTE PLAYER BASIC TAPE MECHANISM : 4ZM-2 P19NC, 4ZM-2 P19NF · This Service Manual is the "Revision Publishing" and replaces "Simple Manual", (S/M Code No. 09-00B-438-5T2). · This Service Manual is for HS-TA213 (YZ1BLF, YZ1SF, YZ1BRF, YZ1BGF) Blue color, Silver color, Red color and Green color. S/M Code No. 09-00C-438-5R2 RE VIS ION DA TA SPECIFICATIONS Frequency range: YV,[S]YH: FM: 65 - 108 MHz EXCEPT YV,[S]YH: FM: 87.5 - 108 MHz YU: AM: 530 - 1710 kHz EXCEPT YU: AM: 530 - 1605 kHz YZ: 4 mW + 4 mW (EIAJ/16 ohms) EXCEPT YZ: 15 mW + 15 mW (EIAJ/32 ohms) DC 3V using two R6 (size AA) batteries YH ONLY: AC house current using the optional AC adaptor AIWA AC-D302 91.5 (W) x 116.5 (H) x 36.0 (D) mm (3 5/8 x 4 5/8 x 1 7/16 in.) (excluding projecting parts and control) Approx.130 g (4.6 oz) (excluding batteries) Maximum output: Power source: Maximum outside: dimensions Weight: · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice. ACCESSORIES / PACKAGE LIST REF. NO. PART NO. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8B-HRL-903-010 8B-HRL-904-010 8B-HRL-906-010 8B-HRL-907-010 8B-HRL-908-010 8B-HRL-911-010 8B-HRL-912-010 8B-HRL-918-010 8B-HRL-046-010 87-B30-430-010 87-B30-431-010 87-B30-432-010 87-B30-434-010 87-B30-435-010 87-B30-436-010 87-B30-437-010 87-B30-438-010 KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION IB,YZ(EGFSI)-IN<[L]213YZ,[S]213YZ,[R]213YZ,[G]213YZ> IB,YZ(EDPOHCZ)-IN<[L]213YZ,[S]213YZ,[R]213YZ,[G]213YZ> IB,YJ(ECCA)-C<[B]213YHT,[G]213YHT,[GL]213YHT,[L]213YHT,[R]213YHT,[S]213YHT> IB,YH(ECC)-C<[L]213YH> IB,YV(ER)-C<[S]213YV> IB,YU(ESF)-IN<[LA]31YU,[GL]32YU,[D]33YU,[V]34YU> IB,YH(ECC)TA212-C<[S]212YH> IB,YJ(ECCA)-IN<[S]213YJ,[R]213YJ,[B]213YJ,[L]213YJ> CLIP,BELT J034N HEADPHONE,HP-M029(R)<[R]213YHT,[R]213YJ,[R]213YZ> HEADPHONE,HP-M029(BL)<[L]213YH,[L]213YHT,[L]213YJ,[L]213YZ> HEADPHONE,HP-M029(G)<[G]213YHT,[G]213YZ,[GL]213YHT> HEADPHONE,HP-M029(DG)<[S]212YH,[S]213YHT,[S]213YJ,[S]213YZ,[B]213YHT,[B]213YJ,[S]213YV> HEADPHONE,HP-M028(V)<[V]34YU> HEADPHONE,HP-M028(BL)<[LA]31YU> HEADPHONE,HP-M028(G)<[GL]32YU> HEADPHONE,HP-M028(D)<[D]33YU> ­2­ ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST REF. NO. PART NO. IC 87-A21-684-040 87-A20-851-040 TRANSISTOR 87-A30-159-080 87-A30-062-080 87-A30-490-080 DIODE 87-A40-630-040 87-A40-965-040 MAIN C.B BPF101 BPF101 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C51 C101 C101 C102 C102 C102 87-A91-577-010 87-A90-336-010 87-A91-680-010 87-012-277-080 87-012-277-080 87-012-274-080 87-012-274-080 87-010-499-040 87-015-674-040 87-012-285-080 87-012-285-080 87-A11-056-080 87-A11-056-080 87-012-277-080 87-012-277-080 87-015-676-040 87-010-831-080 87-010-831-080 87-010-831-080 87-A10-489-040 87-A10-489-040 87-A10-489-040 87-A10-706-080 87-A10-706-080 87-A11-056-080 87-012-162-080 87-012-165-080 87-012-165-080 87-012-178-080 87-012-179-080 KANRI NO. DESCRIPTION REF. NO. PART NO. C103 C103 C103 C104 C104

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