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Now downloading free:Intel ® Pentium® III Processor in FC-PGA 1 GHz and Higher

Intel ® Pentium® III Processor in FC-PGA 1 GHz and Higher free download

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File name Intel® Pentium® III Processor in FC-PGA 1 GHz and Higher.pdf

0 37 A G P B C A D E 0 F 37 A G P 70 A3 PG With the processor in the socket, close the handle (A). Align the fan heatsink clip to the socket as shown. Make sure to align the pin on the heatsink clip (B) to the hole in the fan heatsink. Align the pin hole (C) with the PGA370 mark (D) on the socket. With the clip lever in the up position, install the fan heatsink on the processor. Make sure both sides of the clip (E) are securely fastened to the socket tabs (F). Close the clip lever. Be careful not the damage the thermal interface material when installing the heatsink onto the processor. G Snap the fan on the heatsink. Fan orientation is not important. Connect the processor fan cable header (G) to the motherboard connector. Part Number A31513-001 First Edition July 2000 Copyright

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