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Now downloading free:Yamaha RXA3010 DIAG

Yamaha RXA3010 DIAG free download

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Descr: Yamaha RX RX-A3010 & V3071 RXA3010_DIAG.pdf
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RX-A3010/RX-V3071 SELF-DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTION / This unit has self-diagnostic functions that are intended RX-A3010/RX-V3071 for inspection, measurement and location of faulty point. There are 25 main menu items, each of which has sub- menu items. Listed in the table below are main menu items and sub- menu items. Note: Some of the menu items listed below may not apply to the models covered in this service manual. No. Main menu No. Sub-menu A: Audio system A1 DSP AUDIO 1 DSP MARGIN 2 DSP NON MARGIN 3 PLL OFF 4 INVALID ITEM (Not for service / ) 5 INVALID ITEM (Not for service / ) 6 INVALID ITEM (Not for service / ) 7 INVALID ITEM (Not for service / ) A2 DIRECT AUDIO 1 ANALOG DIRECT VH 2 ANALOG DIRECT VL A3 HDMI AUDIO 1 HDMI AUTO 2 INVALID ITEM (Not for service / ) 3 ARC1 4 ARC2 A4 SPEAKERS SET 1 BI-AMP 2 ZONE/TONE=MAX 3 ZONE/TONE=MIN 4 ZONE MONO=ON 5 ZONE MONO=OFF 6 D-PARTY MODE 7 FULL MUTE 8 INVALID ITEM (Not for service / )

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