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Daewoo KOR-161G0S free download

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SAFETY AND PRECAUTIONS 1. FOR SAFE OPERATION D am age that allow s the m icrow ave energy (that cooks or heats the food) to escape w ill result in poor cooking and m ay cause serious bodily injury to the operator. IF A N Y O F TH E FOLLO W IN G CO N D ITIO N S E X IS T, O P E RATO R M U S T N O T US E TH E A P P LIA N C E . (O nly a trained service personnel should m ake repairs.) 1) A broken door hinge. 2) A broken door view ing screen. 3) A broken front panel, oven cavity. 4) A loosened door lock. 5) A broken door lock. The door gasket plate and oven cavity surface should be kept clean. N o grease, soil or spatter should be allow ed to build up on these surfaces or inside the oven. D O N OT ATTE M PT TO O P E R ATE THIS A P P LIA N CE W ITH TH E D O O R O P EN . The m icrow ave oven has concealed sw itches to m ake sure the power is turned off w hen the door is opened. D o not attem pt to defeat them . D O N OT ATTE M PT TO S E RV IC E TH IS A P P LIA N C E U N TIL Y O U H AVE R E A D THIS S E RV IC E M A NU A L. 2. FOR SAFE SERVICE PROCEDURES 1) If the oven is operative prior to servicing, a m icrowave em ission check should be perform ed prior to servicing the oven. 2) If any certified oven unit is found to servicing, a m icrowave em ission check should be perform ed prior to servicing the oven. (a) inform the m anufacturer, im porter or assem bler, (b) repair the unit at no cost to the ow ner, (c) attem pt to ascertain the cause of the excessive leakage, (d) tell the ow ner of the unit not to use the unit until the oven has been brought into com pliance. 3) If the oven operates with the door open, the service person should tell the user not to operate the oven and contact the m anufacturer im m ediately. IMPORTANT The w ire in this m ains lead coloured in accordance w ith the following code. G reen-and-yellow : E arth B lue : N eutral B row n : Live A s the colours of the w ires in the m anins lead of this appliance m ay not correspond w ith the coloured m arkings identifying the term inals in your plug, proceed as follow s. The w ire which is coloured green-and-yellow m ust be connected to the term ianl in the plug w hich is m arked w ith the letter `E ', earth sym bol or coloured green-and-yellow. The w ire which is coloured blue m ust be connected to the term inal w hich is m arked w ith the letter `N ' or coloured black. The w ire which is coloured brow n m ust be connected to the term inal w hich is m arked w ith the letter `L' or coloured red. NOTE This oven is designed for counter-top use only. SPECIFICATIONS M ODEL KO R -161G /161H P O W E R S U P P LY 230V ~50H z, S ING LE PH A S E W IT H E A RT H ING

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