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4. Voltaae Tuned AM Circuits - The capacitances of varactors Dl, D2, and D3, in 'the AM tuner module U2, change when the DC voltage applied across them changes and the resonant frequencies of their associated L-C circuits are changed. When a varactor fails, replace the U2 module. 5. Voltaue Tuned FM Circuits - The capacitances of the FM varactors, located in module lJ4, change when the DC voltage applied across them changes and the resonant frequencies of their associated L-C circuits are changed. When a varactor fails, replace the U4 module. E. CLEANING Because of the inaccessibility of the Tape Mechanism, a combination head and capstan cleaning tape should be used. If the radio is disassembled, the heads, pinch rollers and capstan shafts may be cleaned with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. III. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION A. LOGIC AND CONTROL CIRCUITS The logic and control functions of the receiver are performed primarily on the Audio/Logic PC Board, by the microprocessor UlOO (see Table l-3), and the frequency synthesizer U102. The microprocessor accepts commands from the pushbutton switches located on the front of the radio and status signals from the RF board, cassette module and compact disc (CD) player (INFINITY ONLY). It processes the information and generates instructions to the display module and the frequency synthesizer. The display driver controls the vacuum fluorescent display and is located in the VF display module on the control PC board. The frequency synthesizer controls the local oscillator frequency and, thereby, the tuning of the radio. The synthesizer will tune either 200 kHz/lO kHz for U.S. use or 100 kHz/9 kHz steps for European use. European or U.S. mode selection is accomplished by software. To change the operating mode, press the SET key then the SEL key and press the memory one button three times in succession. For a description of synthesizer pin functions, see Table l-4. 1-13 TABLE 1-3. MICROPROCESSOR (UlOO) PIN DESCRIPTIONS PIN NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 Key Input KO 2 Key Input Kl 3 Key Input K2 4 Key Input K3 5 Radio Test Pin 6 Frequency Synthesizer Enable - Allows data transfer to the Frequency Synthesizer 7 Beep Output 8 Soft mute goes low to turn on Q102 9 Reset Input - A high on this pin for 6 usec. while the oscillator is running resets the device. 10 Serial data input and output - Provides

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