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Garmin HOW TO CONSTRUCT CABLE gpsinfo free download

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How to Construct a Cable for Garmin GPS receivers Thank you for obtaining a connector for Garmin GPS receivers from us. Connector Pinouts and Signals This document will provide you with the information you need to construct virtually any type of cable you may require, whether you want to connect Diagrams represent the view of the connector as your GPS to a computer, two GPS units to each other, or to provide power seen from the side that plugs into the computer or to your GPS. GPS. In other words, this is the side of the connec- tor that you do NOT attach wires to. Keep this in mind when constructing your cable. Please remember that this information is provided without warranty of any kind. Though every effort is being made to ensure that the information is accurate, we cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. If DB-9 you construct a cable that doesn't work (or even worse, damages your 1 5 5 1 GPS, computer, or yourself) as a result of a mistake in these instructions, Male Female we would appreciate learning about the error so that it can be fixed, but we 6 9 9 6 cannot be held liable for any damages. Pin 1 DCD Carrier Detect Pin 2 RxD Receive Data A note about supplying power to your GPS Pin 3 TxD Transmit Data Some Garmin GPS receivers are capable of running off external power Pin 4 DTR Data Terminal Ready ranging up to +32VDC or more, whereas others can only accept a maxi- Pin 5 GND Signal Ground mum of +8VDC. If your receiver can only accept 8 volts and you connect Pin 7 RTS Ready to Send it directly to a car battery, you will damage your GPS (sometimes 18 volts Pin 8 CTS Clear to Send or more can be present at the terminals of a 12 volt car battery, depending on its state of charge). If you want to build a cable providing power to such a receiver, you must incorporate a voltage regulator circuit to bring the volt- DB-25 1 13 age down to an acceptable level (the schematic diagram for such a circuit appears later in this document). Such a circuit isn't necessary if your re-

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