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NOKIA NHM7-001 free download

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CONFIDENTIAL 1 (7) Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No. SB-001/19.09.01 Technical Support, Europe & Africa NHM-7 SERVICE TOOLS FOR NHM-7 Please notice that this service bulletin can be used also as an order form by filling in the necessary information To: Fax: +358 71 804 4232 From: Company: Delivery address: Requested delivery date: Order number: Date and signature: Service accessories PRODUCT TYPE CODE PG ORDER NOTE Service Manual NHM-7 - Flash Prommer Sales Package FPS-8 0080321 (Including Charger ACF-8, D9-D9 serial cable AXS-4 and printer cable AXP-8) Power Supply Cable (for JBV-1 and MJS-46) PCS-1 0730012 43 Service Cable XCS-1 0730218 46 MBUS Cable DAU-9S 0730108 49 Service Battery Cable (needed for EM SCB-3 0730114 31 calibration) Service Cable (to connect FPS-8 and JBV-1/ XCS-4 0730178 42 FLA-18) Software Protection Key PKD-1 0750018 56 RF Antenna Cable XRF-1 0730085 46 Docking Station JBV-1 0770298 70 Docking Station Adapter MJF-6 0770317 66 POS Flash Adapter FLA-18 0770318 64 Module Jig MJS-46 0770316 77 Coupler CPL-4 0770343 60 Solder Jig (to hold PCB in automatic soldering MJS-47 0770342 58 machine) LGA Rework Kit (sales package includes: LRK-1 0080465 **) Rework Jig MJS-54, Stencil LGA Rework Jig SES-1, Soldering Paste Spreader SPS-1) NHM-7 SB-001 CONFIDENTIAL 2 (7) Soldering Paste Injector (Note: Shelf life SPI-1 0770380 **) only 1 month) POS Flash Dongle (for E&A) FLS-4 0081483 71 *) Fixed price **) Price group information not yet available New service tools for NHM-7 are marked with bold text. NHM-7 SB-001 CONFIDENTIAL 3 (7) Flash Concept using Flash Prommer (FPS-8) with POS Flash Adapter (FLA-18) 1 FLA-18, Point Of sales flash loading adapter 0770318 2 FLC-2, power cable, incl in FLA-18 sales pack 0730185 3 XCS-4, Modular cable 0730178 4 FPS-8,

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