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Descr: NOKIA Mobile Phone 6210 trouble.pdf
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3URJUDPPHV $IWHU 0DUNHW 6HUYLFHV 13( 6HULHV 7UDQVFHLYHUV 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ ,VVXH 1RNLD 0RELOH 3KRQHV /WG NPE-3 Troubleshooting PAMS Technical Documentation 7DEOH RI &RQWHQWV 3DJH 1R Base band Troubleshooting Phone is dead ...4 Flash programming doesn't work ...5 Power doesn't stay on, or phone is jammed ...8 Display Information: "Contact Service" ...9 The phone doesn't register to the network, or phone doesn't make a call ...10 SIM related faults ...13 Audio Faults ...15 Charger Failure ...16 RF Troubleshooting Introduction... 17 RF Key component placement ...18 RF Measurement points ...19 Abbreviations in fault finding charts ...21 RF in general ... 22 EGSM Receiver ... 23 General instructions for EGSM RX troubleshooting ...23 Fault finding chart for EGSM receiver ...25 EGSM Signal path ...25 PCN Receiver... 27 General instructions for PCN RX troubleshooting ...27 Fault finding chart for PCN receiver ...29 PCN Signal path ...29 EGSM Tr

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