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I. Safety Instructions PRECAUTIONS DURING SERVICING WARNING: 1. In addition to safety, other parts and assemblies are specified for conformance with such regulations as Before servicing this TV receiver, read the X-RAY those applying to spurious radiation. These must also RADIATION PRECAUTION, SAFETY INSTRUCTION and be replaced only with specified replacements. PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE. Examples: RF converters, tuner units, antenna se- lection switches, RF cables, noise-blocking capaci- X-RAY RADIATION PRECAUTION tors, noise-blocking filters, etc. 1. Excessively high can produce potentially hazardous 2. Use specified internal Wiring. Note especially: X-RAY RADIATION. To avoid such hazards, the high 1) Wires covered with PVC tubing voltage must not exceed the specified limit. The 2) Double insulated wires normal value of the high voltage of this TV receiver 3) High voltage leads is 26.5 kV at zero beam current (minimum brightness). 3. Use specified insulating materials for hazardous live The high voltage must not exceed 30 kV under any parts. Note especially: circumstances. Each time when a receiver requires 1) Insulating Tape servicing, the high voltage should be checked. The 2) PVC tubing reading of the high voltage is recommended to be 3) Spacers (insulating barriers) recorded as a part of the service record, It is important 4) Insulating sheets for transistors to use an accurate and reliable high voltage meter. 5) Plastic screws for fixing micro switches 2. The only source of X-RAY RADIATION in this TV 4. When replacing AC primary side components (trans- receiver is the picture tube. For continued X-RAY formers, power cords, noise blocking capacitors, RADIATION protection, the replacement tube must be etc.), wrap ends of wires securely about the termi- exactly the same type as specified in the parts list. nals before soldering. 3. Some parts in this TV receiver have special safety related characteristics for X-RADIATION protection. For continued safety, the parts replacement should

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