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Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment Rolsen DVD Сервисные мануалы RDV-620 1-1.PDF
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1. Precautions Prior to shipment from the factory, the products are strictly inspected to conform with the recognized product safety and electrical codes of the countries in which they are to be sold. However, in order to maintain such compliance, it is equally important to implement the following precautions when a set is being serviced. 1-1 Safety Precautions (1) Locations requiring special caution are denoted (5) Observe that wires do not contact heat producing by labels and inscriptions on the cabinet, chassis parts (heatsinks, oxide metal film resistors, fusible and certain parts of the product. When performing resistors, ets.) service, be sure to read and comply with these and other cautionary notices appearing in the (6) Check that replaced wires do not contact sharp operation and service manuals. edged or pointed parts. (2) Some parts are critical for safety. Replace only (7) 1) When a power cord has been replaced, check with specified part numbers. that A mark is made on the cord, under strain, near Note: Parts in this category also include those the aperture, and the flexible cord is subjected 100 specified to comply with X-ray emission stan- times to a pull of 40N for a duration of 1 second dards for products using cathode ray tubes and each. those specified for compliance with various 2) During the test, the cord shall not be displaced regulations regarding spurious radiation emission. by more than 2mm. (3) Use specified internal wiring. Note especially: (8) Also check areas surrounding repaired locations. 1) Double insulated wires 2) High voltage leads (4) Use specified insulating materials for hazardous live parts. Note especially: 1) Insulation Tape 2) PVC tubing 3) Spacers 4) Insulation sheets for transistor 1-1

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