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Now downloading free:Kyocera SB-2J0-0027-B337

Kyocera SB-2J0-0027-B337 free download

Service manuals and repair information about laser, dot matrix, label printer and ink jet printers of different makes: HP, Canon, Epson, Ricoh, Star, Xerox, Okidata

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File name:SB-2J0-0027-B337.pdf
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Model:SB-2J0-0027-B337 🔎
Original:SB-2J0-0027-B337 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-2020-3920-4020 SERVICEBULLETINS SB-2J0-0027-B337.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
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File name SB-2J0-0027-B337.pdf

(Page.1/3) Service Bulletin 2J0-0027 (B337) Ref. No. October 28, 2011 Firmware Upgrade (System: Ver.008.009) Subject FS-2020_3920_4020DN_08.00.0020_(2011-08-24) Model FS-2020D, FS-3920DN, FS-4020DN Topic The firmware was upgraded as follows. Content of Changes No. Item Details Ctl No. FW 1 605467 SYS Measures against the abnormal The Helvetica-Bold font was abnormally output when 605468 Helvetica-Bold fonts with a certain printing a certain PS data. Therefore, this was TP-090399 PS data corrected. 2 510304 SYS Measures against the font dropout Some letters dropped out when printing a certain PCL TP-10-257, with PCL data data. Therefore, this was corrected. #1127888 3 601546 SYS Measures against the wrong letter The wrong letter pitch caused page layout failure and TP-10-265 pitch with a certain PCL data undesired output when printing a certain PCL data. NP-Z10085 Therefore, this was corrected. Check Status Current Program No. Ver. Remark sum Date Ver. FS-2020D SYSTEM 2J0_3000008009 efd8 008.009 2011/8/24 007.016 FS-3920N New upgrade FS-4020DN ENGINE 2J0_1000005001 EAE0 005.001 2011/6/8 - FS-2020D ENGINE 2J1_1000005001 5177 005.001 2011/6/8 - FS-3920DN ENGINE 2J2_1000007001 F44E 007.001 2011/6/8 - FS-4020DN For the KM sales companies, it is possible to download the firmware at the download center on the

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