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Descr: NOKIA Mobile Phone Nokia_5510 05-npm5-mech.pdf
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3URJUDPPHV $IWHU 0DUNHW 6HUYLFHV 130 6HULHV 7UDQVFHLYHUV 0HFKDQLFDO $VVHPEO\ ,VVXH 1RNLD &RUSRUDWLRQ NPM-5 Mechanical Assembly PAMS Technical Documentation >7KLV SDJH OHIW LQWHQWLRQDOO\ EODQN 3DJH 1RNLD &RUSRUDWLRQ ,VVXH NPM-5 PAMS Technical Documentation Mechanical Assembly 7DEOH RI &RQWHQWV 3DJH 1R Exploded View of NMP-5 ... 4 Mechanical Parts List... 5 'UDIW 1RNLD &RUSRUDWLRQ 3DJH NPM-5 Mechanical Assembly PAMS Technical Documentation ([SORGHG 9LHZ RI 103 3DJH 1RNLD &RUSRUDWLRQ ,VVXH NPM-5 PAMS Technical Documentation Mechanical Assembly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