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Ordering number : ENN6630 Monolithic Linear IC LA4743B 45 W Four-Channel (Bridge Circuit) Power Amplifier Overview The LA4743B is a 45 W 4-channel power amplifier IC for car stereo systems. It features a built-in bridge circuit and the ability to radically reduce the number of external components required. It is also pin compatible with the LA4743A, which differs in the amount of gain provided. Package Dimensions unit: mm 3236-HZIP25 [LA4743B] 29.2 25.6 4.5 Features · Maximum output power: 45 W × 4 channels (VCC = 14.4 V, 4 load, 1 kHz) · 40 W × 4 channels (VCC = 13.7 V, 4 load, 1 kHz) · Requires only seven external components and does not require an oscillation prevention RC circuit, a noise filter, or a BS capacitor. R1.7 14.4 17.4 3.3 10.2 0.4 4.0 4.0 2.60 2.0 (1.0) 2.0 0.53 Functions · Muting function · Built-in standby switch · Full complement of built-in protection circuits, including protection from shorting to VCC, shorting to ground, load shorting, overvoltages, and overheating. SANYO: HZIP25 Specifications Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C Parameter Maximum supply voltage Maximum output current Allowable power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature Package thermal resistance Symbol VCC max1 VCC max2 IOpeak Pd max Topr Tstg jc With an arbitrarily large heat sink Signal present No signal (for 1 minute) Conditions Ratings 18 26 4.5/ch 50 ­40 to +85 ­40 to +150 1 Unit V V A W °C °C °C/W Any and all SANYO products described or contained herein do not have specifications that can handle applications that require extremely high levels of reliability, such as life-support systems, aircraft's control systems, or other applications whose failure can be reasonably expected to result in serious physical and/or material damage. Consult with your SANYO representative nearest you before using any SANYO products described or contained herein in such applications. SANYO assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all SANYO products described or contained herein. SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Company TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110-8534 JAPAN O3100RM (OT) No. 6630-1/9 LA4743B Operating Conditions at Ta = 25°C Parameter Recommended supply voltage Recommended load resistance Operating supply voltage range Symbol VCC RL VCC op Conditions Ratings 14.4 4 9 to 18 Unit V V Operating Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, VCC = 14.4 V, f = 1 kHz, RL = 4 , Rg = 600 Parameter Quiescent current Standby current Output offset voltage Voltage gain Voltage gain difference Symbol ICCO Ist VNoffset VG VG PO1 Output power PO max1 PO max2 Total harmonic distortion Channel separation Ripple rejection ratio Output noise voltage Muting attenuation THD CHsep SVRR VNO Mute(att) THD = 10 % VCC = 13.7 V, VIN

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