File information: | |
File name: | colour_television_14_21_.part1.rar [preview TX-14K2T, TX21K2T] |
Size: | 1423 kB |
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Mfg: | Panasonic |
Model: | TX-14K2T, TX21K2T 🔎 |
Original: | SM-98043 🔎 |
Descr: | Service Manual Tv Color Z-7 Chassis - (2.352Kb) 2 Part File - pag. 28 |
Group: | Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV |
Uploaded: | 24-10-2006 |
User: | salvacolnome |
Multipart: | 0 1 |
Information about the files in archive: | ||
Decompress result: | OK | |
Extracted files: | 1 | |
File name tx21_14k2t.pdf TX-21/14K2T Service Manual Safety Specifications Parts List Service Information Service Support Block Diagrams Service and repair of this product is supported by Panasonic's LUCI interface. This interface provides a link between the TV and a standard PC to allow a number of diagnostic and control functions to be performed. For more details contact your local Panasonic company. PCB Views Adjustments Self Check Service Hints Mechanical View Schematic Diagrams Disassembly Location of Controls Waveforms BACK EXIT Audio/Video Control Power supply BACK E - PCB Y - PCB E - Schematics Y - Schematics BACK BACK 6HUYLFH 0DQXDO &RORXU 7HOHYLVLRQ 25'(5 12 60 ï 7; .7 7; .7 =ï &KDVVLV 6SHFLILFDWLRQV ,QIRUPDWLRQ LQ EUDFNHWV ^` UHIHU WR 7; 3RZHU &RQVXPSWLRQ 6WDQGE\ 3RZHU &RQVXPSWLRQ $HULDO ,PSHGDQFH 5HFHLYLQJ 6\VWHP .7 5&$ ,1 5&$ ,1 +LJK 9ROWDJH 3LFWXUH 7XEH $XGLR 2XWSXW 9LGHR 9 S S ï : ^:` $XGLR P9 UPV N N9 N9 : ^N9 N9 XQEDODQFHG &RD[LDO 7\SH ï ï N9 ï N9` $($/; FP ^$($&; FP` 3$/ %* + '. 3$/ 6(&$0 %* '. 176& $9 2QO\ 6SHDNHU 5HFHLYLQJ &KDQQHOV ï &$79 6ï6 0ï0 &$79 6ï6 +<3(5%$1' 8+) ( ( ,QWHUPHGLDWH )UHTXHQF\ 9+) + + ,7$/< ï ï 9+) $ï+ ,7$/< &$79 6ï6 &$79 6ï6 8ï8 9+) ( ( +HDGSKRQHV $FFHVVRULHV VXSSOLHG ,PSHGDQFH ,PSHGDQFH : 0XVLF 3RZHU 5HPRWH &RQWURO [ 5 80 %DWWHULHV 'LPHQVLRQV +HLJKW 0+] 0+] 0+] 0+] 3$/ 0+] 6(&$0 0+] 6(&$0 :LGWK 'HSWK 1HW :HLJKW PP PP PP NJ ^PP` ^PP` ^PP` ^NJ` 9LGHR 6RXQG &RORXU 6SHFLILFDWLRQV DUH VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH ZLWKRXW QRWLFH :HLJKW DQG GLPHQVLRQV VKRZQ DUH DSSUR[LPDWH 9LGHR $XGLR7HUPLQDOV $9 ,1 9LGHR SLQ $XGLR SLQ 5*% SLQ 9 S S ï P9 UPV N $9 287 9LGHR SLQ $XGLR SLQ 9 S S ï P9 UPV N &217(176 6DIHW\ 3UHFDXWLRQV 6HUYLFH +LQWV $OLJQPHQW 6HWWLQJV $GMXVWPHQW 3URFHGXUH 6HOI &KHFN :DYHIRUP 3DWWHUQ 7 DEOH %ORFN 'LDJUDPV 3DUWV /RFDWLRQ 5HSODFHPHQW 3DUWV /LVW 6FKHPDWLF 'LDJUDPV &RQGXFWRU 9LHZV 6$)(7< |
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