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Now downloading free:Kenwood TS-930S, SP-930, AT-930, SO-1

Kenwood TS-930S, SP-930, AT-930, SO-1 free download

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File information:
File name:hf_transceiver.part01.rar
Size:2145 kB
Model:TS-930S, SP-930, AT-930, SO-1 🔎
Original:SM-98043 🔎
Descr:Service Manual - (17.792Kb) 8 Part File - pag. 116
Group:Electronics > Radio stations > CB radio-stations
Multipart: 0  1  2  3  4  5  6

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:ERR
Extracted files:0

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Attention! This manual is multipart. Download all, before decompressing

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User ratings and reviews for this file:

26-02-2009OE3RPB1I missing the part08.rar to be able to extract the files......
14-07-2008pa0ncr1Tried several times to unzip the files but unfortunately when trying I got a 'file damaged' report. I'm not a computer expert so now I'm stuck....
02-03-2008zlin40391What a shame that this is still not fixed after 2 reports that it has a file missing, making it non useable.
12-11-2007peterhe1I'm afraid I have to rate this is as 1 because a file is missing that prevents the manual being decompressed/opened. Otherwise this would have been a really useful manual. It would be great if the uploader could add the last file. Thanks.
17-12-2006WA7BSS1Rated 1 because it is unusable as uploaded. When extracting, WinRAR says that an additional file, apparently only 7 of 8 were uploaded, is required. Hope the person who uploaded the files sees this and fixes it. John

Average rating for this file: 1.00 ( from 5 votes)

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