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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR How To Use Your 40-CHANNEL, 40 CHANNEL CITIZENS BAND SSB/AM 2-WAY MOBILE RADIO CITIZENS BAND Model 148 GTL SSB/AM 2-WAY Contents Page MOBILE RADIO The CB Story ...1 Section I: Introduction...2 Section II: Specifications ...3, 4 Section III: Installation ...5, 6, 7, 8 Model 148 GTL Section IV: Operation...9 - 17 Controls and Indicators ...9 A.Control Functions ...9, 10, 11 B.Indicator Functions ...12 Operating Procedure to Receive...12 Operating Procedure to Transmit ...13 Receiving SSB Signals ...13, 14 Alternate Microphones and Installation ...15, 16, 17 Section V: Maintenance and Adjustment ...18 -21 FCC Warning ...18 Section VI: Appendix ...19, 20, 21 Ten Code ...19 A few Rules That Should Be Obeyed ...20 How Your CB Can Serve You ...20 Use Channel 9 for Emergency Messages Only ...21 Warranty Service Instructions ...22 Limited Two Year Warranty ...

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