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Rolsen RVC601 Deck free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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S/M No.:T 30MECHA Service Manual VCR MECHANISM UNIT (T30(T4)-MECHA DECK) DAEWOO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. http : // Mar. 2001 CONTENTS 1. ASSEMBLY DIAGRAM 2 2. DISASSEMBLY DIAGRAM & REPLACEMENT 5 3. MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT 12 4. ADJUSTMENT OF TAPE TRANSPORT SECTION 14 5. EXPLODED VIEW 19 6. PARTS LIST 23 1 1. Assembly diagram 1-1. DECK Assembly diagram A. Upper View Fig.1.1 1 MAINBASE ASS'Y 9 IDLER PLATE TOTAL ASS'Y 17 AC HEAD ASS'Y 2 DRUM ASS'Y 10 T BRAKE ASS'Y 18 T SLANT POLE ASS'Y 3 FE HEAD 11 FL RACK 19 HEAD CLEANER 4 S SLANT POLE ASS'Y 12 RELAY LEVER 5 TENSION BAND ASS'Y 13 CAPSTAN MOTOR 6 S BRAKE ASS'Y 14 LC BRKT ASS'Y 7 S REEL TABLE 15 PINCH LEVER TOTAL ASS'Y 8 REEL BRKT TOTAL ASS'Y 16 CAM GEAR 2 B. Bottom View Fig.1.2 20 L LOADING ASS'Y 21 R LOADING ASS'Y 22 CONNECT PLATE 23 REEL BELT 24 LOADING RACK 3 1-2. FRONT LOADING Assembly diagram Fig.2 1 FL BRKT L 5 CST HOLDER AS 2 TOP PLATE 6 DOOR OPENER 3 SAFETY LEVER 7 SAFETY LEVER R 4 LOADING LEVER AS4 8 FL BRKT R 4 2. DISASSEMBLY AND REPLACEMENT 2-1. Removal of the FRONT LOADING Ass'y 2-2. Disassembly of FRONT LOADING Ass'y (Fig. 3.1) (FIg. 3.2~3.5) NOTE: a. Remove the washer holding the door opener and separate F/L Assembly by moving the DOOR OPENER in the Remove the FRONT LOADING Ass'y in eject mode. direction of arrow. b. Remove the 2 screw holding the TOP PLATE and sepa- a. Unscrew the 2 screw holding the F/L ass'y. rate the CASSETTE HOLDER Ass'y by moving the FL b. Separate the F/L Ass'y from the MAINBASE ass'y by BRKT L and FL BRKT R in the direction of arrow. (Fig. lifting the rear part of F/L (Screw Hole). 3.2) Fig. 3.1 Removal of the FRONT LOADING Ass'y FIg. 3.2 Disassembly of the FRONT LOADING Ass'y 5 c. Separate the LOADING LEVER Ass'y by pressing the 2-3. Disassembly of DRUM Ass'y (Fig. 3.5) connection point from the CASSETTE HOLDER Ass

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