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The components identified by shading and mark are critical for safety. Replace only with part number specified. REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION ZD901 0DZ750009AA DIODE,ZENER MTZ7.5B IC ZD902 0DZ750009AA DIODE,ZENER MTZ7.5B IC01 0ISO883807B IC,LG8838-07B(CXP86441-521S) 52SD ZD903 0DZ750009AA DIODE,ZENER MTZ7.5B IC02 0IAL240410A IC,AT24C04-10PC 8D EEPROM(4K,IIC) ZD904 0DZ750009AA DIODE,ZENER MTZ7.5B IC03 0ISS754200A IC,KA7542Z RESET TO92 TP 4.2V IC201 0IHA405200A IC,CD4052B 16P DIP DIFF-4-CH MUX TRANSISTOR IC202 0IHA405200A IC,CD4052B 16P DIP DIFF-4-CH MUX Q01 0TR319809AA TR,KTC3198-TP-Y (KTC1815)KEC IC301 0IPH835150A IC,TDA8351/N5 9P,SIP BK V/OUT(W/O Q02 0TR102009AB TR,KRC102M,TP(KRC1202),KEC IC501 0IPH884200A IC,TDA8842 56SDIP BK MULTI 1CHIP Q102 0TR319709AB TR,KTC3197,TP(KTC388A),KEC IC602 0ISG200600A IC,TDA2006,SOUND Q201 0TR319809AA TR,KTC3198-TP-Y (KTC1815)KEC IC801 0ISH123200B IC,PC123 FY2PHOTO COUPLER Q501 0TR126609AA TR,KTA1266-TP-Y (KTA1015) KEC IC802 0ITF435000A IC,4N35(G)V 6D PHOTO COUPLER Q505 0TR126609AA TR,KTA1266-TP-Y (KTA1015) KEC IC803 0ISK665413A IC,STR-F6654(LF1352) 5P,SIP BK ST Q506 0TR126609AA TR,KTA1266-TP-Y (KTA1015) KEC IC804 0ISK115000A IC,SE115N(LF12) 3P 115V ERROR AMP Q510 0TR126609AA TR,KTA1266-TP-Y (KTA1015) KEC "(14") 0ISK110000A IC,SE110N(LF12) 3P 110V ERROR AMP Q511 0TR126609AA TR,KTA1266-TP-Y (KTA1015) KEC "(14") 0ISK115000A IC,SE110N(LF12) 3P 115V ERROR AMP *ORION CPT Q512 0TR319809AA TR,KTC3198-TP-Y (KTC1815)KEC IC840 0ISS78

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