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Now downloading free:Western Digital WD 120 GB 1200BB

Western Digital WD 120 GB 1200BB free download

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Western Digital THE PERFORMANCE LEADER Western Digital 120 GB 7200 RPM EIDE Hard Drive Ziff Davis WinBench 99 Windows 2000 Professional using NTFS 10,000 says... 8,900 8,800 8,500 8,000 7,500 "...the WD1200BB is a fine effort, 6,500 KBs Per Second delivering improved capacity and performance over the WD1000BB, 5,000 a drive that itself was already a best- of-class unit." "WD's latest drive is the obvious 2,500 choice for those who require the utmost in capacity combined with Business Disk Winmark 99 performance in an ATA drive." 0 Western Digital IBM Seagate Maxtor Samsung 120 GB 60 GB 80 GB 80 GB 40 GB Tom's Hardware adds... 29,900 29,100 30,000 27,500 "It's impressive to see how WD has 26,700 rushed to take the pole position among hard drive manufacturers." KBs Per Second 20,000 17,200 "WD1200[BB] breaks new capacity record with 120 GB at 7200 rpm." "The WD1200[BB] almost provides

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