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Western Digital WD AV free download

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WD AV PATA/SATA Hard Drives Designed for 24x7 audio and video environments. 24x7 reliability 7200 RPM performance Available in PATA/SATA WD AV hard drives take advantage of significant design advances in WD's storage technology by incorporating SilkStreamTM streaming with whisper-quiet acoustics, 7200 RPM performance, and thermally optimized operation. These design advances enable unparalleled reliability and low cost of ownership for manufacturers of digital video recording devices. WD AV PATA/SATA Hard Drives Product features 24x7 reliability PAtA or SAtA interface SilkStream ramp load With a MTBF of 1 million hours, Although most systems use hard drives Optimized for smooth, continuous Parks the recording heads off the disk these drives are designed to last in with a SATA interface, some unique or digital video playback of up to twelve surface during spin up, spin down, always-on streaming digital audio/video legacy systems require drives with a simultaneous HD streams.** SilkStream and when the drive is off. This ensures environments such as PVR/DVR, DVR PATA interface. is compatible with the ATA streaming the recording head never touches the recorders, and surveillance command set allowing CE customers disk surface resulting in improved long video recorders. compatible to use standard streaming management term reliability due to less head wear, Tested for compatibility in a broad and error recovery options. and improved non-operational shock Quiet range of AV products including set top tolerance. Noise levels have been minimized to boxes, DVD recorders, and mainstream 1 million hours mtBf less than one sone*

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