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Descr: LG TV MT-40PA10 070Gev.pdf
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EXPLODED VIEW (MONITOR) 305 300 301 303 200 304 202 203 201 302 204 205 209 206 208 210 207 211 570 520 530 400 560 550 551 540 401 - 16 - EXPLODED VIEW PARTS LIST No. Part No. Description 200 6348Q-A002A PDP,40" 4:3 640*480 DOUBLE SCAN 201 6871VSN168A X RIGHT TOP B/D ASSY 202 6871VSN168B X LEFT TOP B/D ASSY 203 6871VSN168C ZCNT TOP B/D ASSY 204 6871VSN168D ZSUS B/D ASSY 205 6871VSN168E ZCNT BOTTOM B/D ASSY 206 6871VSN168F X LEFT BOTTOM B/D ASSY 207 6871VSN168G X RIGHT BOTTOM B/D ASSY 208 6871VSN168H YDRU B/D ASSY 209 6871VSN168J YSUS B/D ASSY 210 6871VSN168K CTRL B/D ASSY 300 3091V00288C CABINET ASSY LG 3091V00288H CABINET ASSY (SILVER, GREAT WALL) 3091V00288F CABINET ASSY (GOLD) 3091V00A26A CABINET ASSY (40PA20S) 301 3210V00061C FRAME,TOP 3210V00061G FRAME,TOP (SILVER, GREAT WALL) 3210V00061E FRAME,TOP (GOLD) 3210V00089A FRAME,TOP (40PA20S) 302 3210V00062C FRAME,BOTTOM 3210V00062G FRAME,BOTTOM (SILVER, GREAT WALL) 3210V00062E FRAME,BOTTOM (GOLD) 3210V00090A FRAME,BOTTOM (40PA20S) 303 3210V00063A FRAME,SIDE 3210V00063J FRAME,SIDE (SILVER, GREAT WALL) 3210V00063E FRAME,SIDE (GOLD) 3210V00091A FRAME,SIDE (40PA20S) 304 3210V00063B FRAME,SIDE 3210V00063K FRAME,SIDE (SILVER, GREAT WALL) 3210V00063F FRAME,SIDE (GOLD) 3210V00091B FRAME,SIDE (40PA20S) 305 3790V00287A WINDOW FILTER 400 3809V00212C BACK COVER ASSY 3809V00212H BACK COVER ASSY (SILVER, GR

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