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LG 007CTR free download

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TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE C804 pin4 F(P)801, SW(P)801, T1111, T801, R802, DB801. 18V T802, R809, D802. 3V Q05, IC851, IC802(3), IC856. pin 32 of IC01. 3.3V 0V ICP(V)01. IC01, FR403, FR413, IC852(3), IC854(5), FR406, D405, D406, IC301, D408, D858, Q856. ICP(V)01. ICP(V)01. 33V F854, D861, R405. (OPTION) D850, L853, T402. Q401, Q402, T401. ICP(V)01. 37~39 ICP(V)01. 12 ICP(V)01. CPT PCB ASSY. ICP(V)01, Q124 FR403, FR413, D405, D406. ICP(V)01. ICP(V)01. IC301, D301. ' 9 F854, D861, R104, ZD101. 7 12 L102 ICP(V)01 15 IC01 ICP(V)01, Q124. Check/Replace IC01, IC02. Check I2C BUS. NO PIP Is there video signal at No pin 13 of ICP101? Check/Replace ICP101. Yes Check I2C Bus. Is there video signal at Yes No pin 28 of ICP102? Check CP131. Abnormal Check pins15~18 of ICP102. Check/Replace ICP102. Check I2C BUS. Normal Abnormal Check pins45~48 of ICP01. Check RP108, 109, 110, 112, 114, Norma

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