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Now downloading free:Quanta Quantum Fireball lct08 jumpers

Quanta Quantum Fireball lct08 jumpers free download

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File name Quantum Fireball lct08 jumpers.PDF

Fireball lct08 fireball_lct08_jumper.pdf Jumper Settings DS CS PK Rsvd Stand Alone (Default) ON OFF X OFF Master with Slave Present ON OFF X OFF Slave to Master OFF OFF x OFF Cable Select * OFF ON X OFF X= PK is a Parking position. The presence or absence of this jumper has no effect on the drive. Labeling may indicate to place this jumper when configuring as a slave. This is to provide for retention of the jumper in the event that it is needed later. *Note: Cable Select (CS) utilizes a special cable configuration where the drive setting (Master or Slave) is determined by its position on the 40-pin ATA cable. In this type of configuration both drives will have their jumper set to CS. Cable Select is utilized on some OEM systems and is typically required for systems utilizing Ultra ATA/66. For Ultra ATA/66 compliant cables, the master drive is placed on the outside (end) cable connector and the slave drive is placed on the intermediate cable connector. 1 of 1 Fireball lct08 fireball_lct08_jumper.pdf Jumper Locations The Maxtor

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