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Now downloading free:Daewoo FR-2704

Daewoo FR-2704 free download

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File name:FR-2704.pdf
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Model:FR-2704 🔎 FR2704
Original:FR-2704 🔎
Descr: Daewoo FR FR-2704 FR-2704.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name FR-2704.pdf

Service Manual Refrigerator Model: FR-2704 DAEWOO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. FR-2704 LEAFLET 1. EXTERNAL VIEW S 549 18.5 549 15 482.5 549 505 588 223.5 32.5 11.5 64.5 51 1600 197 1029 1035 238 243 40 2. DOOR CO LO R SPECIFICATIO N 2-1. Assem bly Urethan Freezer Door Refrigerant R12 R 134a Color Type D ull Lam ina High G lossy Normal PC M High G lossy Dull Lam ina H igh G lossy N ormal H igh G lossy Sheet lam ina sheet Bright PCM Sheet Lam ina sheet PCM Bright PC M Part C ode

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